Friday, December 14, 2007

sometimes i wonder...

I have been wondering a lot lately, "Where is he?"
I have been asking God for a long time, "When will You show me who he is?"

It seems like there are only 2 things I want out of life:
1. To live my life to the fullest for God
2. To get married and (possibly) have kids

It strikes me as amazing how God knows all of our futures, and he knows what we will do tomorrow, and next year, and forever.
God knows the person I am going to marry. (that is, if it's His plan for me to marry)
And that is just amazing. That is the solitary question I ask myself day after day.
Well, don't you ever wonder...? Don't you ever ask yourself, "Do I know him/her already? Does he/she live here, or in another city.... or another state? What does he/she look like?"
I ask myself those questions all the time.
and a lot more lately... i dont know why.

I can't wait until the day God reveals all of this to me.
That will be the best day of my life.


Marissa said...

ha i know why your asking those questions.. but don't worry God will have someone amazing planned for you

aurora said...

thats just the thing-
we can't know what God has planned for us until it starts to unfold

everyone always tells me that God has someone for me, but im not so sure its really true.
because i cant know

After His Heart said...

i totally understand what your saying! i ask myself all the time...i hope i get

Miss E. said...

Psalm 37:4-5
Delight yourself in the LORD;
And He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him, and He will do it.

Bottom line, if you have the desire to get married, God put it there in the first place. So you can quit asking the "Will I get married," question.

Here's another verse for ya'll.

Proverbs 3:6
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.