Sunday, December 23, 2007

an ice invalid

I'm just not cut out for... ice skating.

We went to Outpost last night, and i was pretty excited about it. I looked down into the arena and saw all these people gracefully swirling around, and I just couldn't wait until I would be down there swirling with them.
haha more like chunking around, that is.
Turns out, I am not such a graceful skater. Actually, I'm more of an invalid on ice.
And I didn't know it would be so cold! I've been to Blades before (like 2 years ago) and it wasn't so cold then... (now that i think about it, that was in the summertime). So I didn't bring gloves. After an hour of me falling down and scrambling around with my hands on the ice, I really couldn't feel them at all. They were really numb.
My friend lent me some gloves, and I went upstairs to run warm water over my hands, but it just made them burn. It was almost as bad as that time at church when I had to stand on ice...
And then my fingers swelled. It was quite painful.
I just went downstairs and chunked around on the ice some more.

I suppose if someone ever asked me out on a date and he wanted to go ice skating, I would have to say "no".
Either that, or I would say "yes", and then when I would fall down lots of times, I would be like, "Well, looks like you're just going to have to hold me up."



Marissa said...

ha i like the last plan for ice skating on a date