Tuesday, December 18, 2007

the dream intrepretation test

Lately I've been having some pretty crazy dreams.

Sometimes they are completely off-the-wall- i-never-would-expect-this-to-happen dreams, and sometimes they are so real.
So real that when I wake up, I think, "Well, I didn't have any crazy dreams last night" and then I get up and go have a conversation with one of my family members, and they're like, "wait- i didnt do that!" or "what are you talking about? that never happened!" and then I think about it and im like, "wow! I dreamt that and it was so real I completely forgot about it!"

So then I was on and I saw this test where it is supposed to interpret your dreams and tell you what they mean, and so I was like, "oh sweet!" and I took it.
Haha guess what it said-

You're dreaming about maximizing opportunities and achieving well-deserved success. This means that in your waking life, you are adequately prepared and things are working out just the way you want.


After His Heart said...

i know how to interpret dreams!! i learned in psychology! moohahaha

aurora said...

maybe you could interpret mine then... hehe

i was in a car crash- only there's a lot more to it than that

Anonymous said...

haha. man. weird dreams make me laugh a lot. because I typically have them every time I fall asleep.

one time we moved to el paso. ha.

aurora said...

once i dreamt that our student ministry was in a music video for Price of Existence.
It was pretty cool