Monday, December 31, 2007

2008 already?

Well here it is- the last day of the whole year.

What happened? Where did all that time go? I simply cannot believe it flew by so fast...
Seems like it was January just last month, and here now it will be January again.

I'm so very thankful for 2007. I had the very best of times this year. Yeah, there were bad times too, but theres only one I remember clearly. And there were definitely more good times.

Lets see... I think what I most enjoyed was Toastmasters, my small group, CNM, dance class, and hanging out with friends.

Today should be fun- im going to a "club" to swing dance into the new year!! yeahhh! Its going to be pretty amazing, specially since i really enjoy swing dancing. :D

Sunday, December 30, 2007

yay and not yay

My mommy is being a jerk today. :P

But my good friends are balancing my mood out- my mom makes me so angry I could burst, and my friends calm me down and make me carefree and happy.
Know what sucks? Whenever I get really angry, I start to cry.
And when my mom sees me crying, she thinks that she's won. And she never has really won.

Did I ever mention that I will most likely move out as soon as I turn 18? (well, maybe not as soon... maybe in the summer)
That's only a little over a year away...
I can probably make it until then.

So.... i just got back from the movies. I saw National Treasure 2. It's such a good movie (i think its better than the first one) and Riley is my favorite character.

And I got a House of Heroes cd for Christmas from my much-loving brother! I've been listening to it practically all weekend. I love Buckets for Bullet Wounds!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

target. and... enchiladas

I got a Target giftcard from my grandpa for Christmas- a really good gift!
I love Target.
Everything is red there. And they have good prices for good stuff.
I don't really like the stuff at Walmart. Or the lighting. I think lighting has a lot to do with shopping atmosphere and all that. Target has good lighting.
And Target has a Bull Terrier for a mascot/spokesperson; much much much better than a smiling yellow ball.

Anyways, I got a pair of brown pants and Eclipse.
Eclipse has turned out to be really good. Which is an understatement... It's the third book in the series, and if you haven't read the first book (Twilight), I highly recommend it.
I saw Jordan Ruddell at Target. I turned an aisle in the book section and BAM! there she was, sitting down in the middle of the aisle, surrounded by books and her little brother and sister.

I saw Jordan Young at Costco. He was by the enchilada samples.
Those enchiladas were good. We bought some.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


My Christmas was spent trying to wrap my mind around the fact that hundreds of years ago, Jesus Christ came into this world in the form of man.
And it's still so hard for me to realize that yes, God loves me, He loves everyone, and that's why He sent His precious Son.

hmm. amazing.

Anyways, I had a wonderful Christmas. I think its my favorite holiday because I can see almost all of my family on that day, and that doesn't happen very often.
And I got my own camera for Christmas, so now I can take pictures of all the crazy stuff we always do!

We played hide and go seek outside of my grandparents' house, and to tell the truth, I hadn't had so much fun playing it since I was in grade school playing with my older cousins.

surprise surprise.

merry christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

an ice invalid

I'm just not cut out for... ice skating.

We went to Outpost last night, and i was pretty excited about it. I looked down into the arena and saw all these people gracefully swirling around, and I just couldn't wait until I would be down there swirling with them.
haha more like chunking around, that is.
Turns out, I am not such a graceful skater. Actually, I'm more of an invalid on ice.
And I didn't know it would be so cold! I've been to Blades before (like 2 years ago) and it wasn't so cold then... (now that i think about it, that was in the summertime). So I didn't bring gloves. After an hour of me falling down and scrambling around with my hands on the ice, I really couldn't feel them at all. They were really numb.
My friend lent me some gloves, and I went upstairs to run warm water over my hands, but it just made them burn. It was almost as bad as that time at church when I had to stand on ice...
And then my fingers swelled. It was quite painful.
I just went downstairs and chunked around on the ice some more.

I suppose if someone ever asked me out on a date and he wanted to go ice skating, I would have to say "no".
Either that, or I would say "yes", and then when I would fall down lots of times, I would be like, "Well, looks like you're just going to have to hold me up."


Saturday, December 22, 2007


Today i went to my Grammie and Grandpie's house.
(i dont really call them that though)

We were just hanging out listening to them talk about stuff, and then Grandma was like, "hey clear off the table cause we're gonna make empanadas"

An empanada is like a little pocket of dough, and it has tasty stuffs inside. Grandma makes some and gives them to me every Christmas- the ones she makes have sweet meat, raisins, and walnuts in them. Its pork, but it doesnt taste like meat- its really good!

So i was like, hey let me help- i bet i could make them faster than mom. And we had this little assembly line thing and it was so much fun!
I folded up a cute little one thats not even as big as my fingernail.

It was neat, being able to spend time with my grandparents like that. They have sooo many grandchildren, but none of them really bother to visit.

Friday, December 21, 2007

beam me up, scottie


Tonight i have a piano recital. Why do people have piano recitals for people who are just in beginning piano? Do they like to see us make fools out of ourselves?
I'll have to remember to wear old clothes. That way, when people throw tomatoes at me, I won't get my nice skirt stained.
haha jk

In the meantime, I've been cleaning. Because Clinton's friends are coming over, and mom thinks they are really going to mind all the pine needles on the floor from the Christmas tree!
honestly- i dont think they'll mind. I wouldn't mind!

Hey guys? If i'm ever gonna come over to your house, don't go crazy and start cleaning like maniacs!
please don't.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

the dream intrepretation test

Lately I've been having some pretty crazy dreams.

Sometimes they are completely off-the-wall- i-never-would-expect-this-to-happen dreams, and sometimes they are so real.
So real that when I wake up, I think, "Well, I didn't have any crazy dreams last night" and then I get up and go have a conversation with one of my family members, and they're like, "wait- i didnt do that!" or "what are you talking about? that never happened!" and then I think about it and im like, "wow! I dreamt that and it was so real I completely forgot about it!"

So then I was on and I saw this test where it is supposed to interpret your dreams and tell you what they mean, and so I was like, "oh sweet!" and I took it.
Haha guess what it said-

You're dreaming about maximizing opportunities and achieving well-deserved success. This means that in your waking life, you are adequately prepared and things are working out just the way you want.

Monday, December 17, 2007

seven beats too slow

You know, I am sick of being sad and tired, and then writing about being sad and tired.

its a beautiful life

The other day I saw this movie called "It's a Beautiful Life", and it was about a family that lived during the holocaust. It was fictional, but it was still such a wonderful and yet tragic story!

As you know, during the holocaust they separated the men and women, so they didn't show much about the mom; most of the movie was about a dad and his kid (who was probably only about 5).
When they were captured and sent into this concentration camp, the little kid wanted to know why they were there. The man told him that it was all a game that he had signed the family up for, and every day they would earn more and more points, and if they won they would get a huge surprise!
It was just so sad and yet so lovely that the man told his son that, because it showed how much he loved his son that he wanted to shield even the thought of Nazism from the kid's head.
So in the duration of their stay in the concentration camp, the little kid believed that it was all a game and that his dad was making more points every day and the little kid did everything he could to help him.
Then one day the dad told him that they were in first place, and that he had to do was hide all day and come out only when no one was around, and they would win the prize, which he said was a huge tank made just for them.
The Americans were coming. The Nazis in the camp killed as many people as they could, and they left in a hurry. When they were gone, the kid came out of hiding, and the first thing he sees is this huge American tank roll up! And he's like, "hey! my dad won us the prize!"
And he got rescued.

In the midst of despair, a man made life a whole lot easier for his son by just playing that little game with him.
It's an amazing movie.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

seeking relief

Today we threw a surprise party for my good friend Katrina. It will be her 16th birthday on the 22nd. She was so surprised! It was great.
And it was a dance party, so we got to dance a lot.

My friends are so amazing. I'm always struck how we all know the same people, but we don't know that we know the same people because they are in different clubs or classes. I love being homeschooled. I don't think I would have it any other way...

I'm really stuck in a rut right now, though. I'm the most pathetic person I know. I pretty much don't do anything all day long, even though I have lots of homework. Probably what I do most is just sit and think... about nothing really.
And I think I've concluded that I wasn't prepared.
For life.

I wasn't prepared for rejection, I wasn't prepared for all this work, I wasn't prepared to see the people I love get hurt and for myself to get hurt for that matter. I wasn't prepared to wait so long for stuff, and I wasn't prepared to be so happy I could burst, and I wasn't prepared for disappointment.

But then again, I suppose that no one was ever really prepared for all of this...

Saturday, December 15, 2007


So today I went to another White Elephant party. It was pretty fun, i guess. I knew pretty much no one there, since it was at Grace Church, and not many people seemed interested in talking to me or anything. Which makes me feel how important it is for people at our church to talk to new people who don't know anyone. :P

Anyways, I re-gifted this inflatable raft that I got at a different White Elephant party, and as soon as I walked in the door, people started telling me how great it was. So I guess that was a good idea...
I got this little rubber ball with eyes on it, and its pretty big and green and hollow. And there's a little red light inside of it that blinks when you shake it. Its really really neat, and im going to hang it from my ceiling! :D oh and i named it Oscar.

Friday, December 14, 2007

sometimes i wonder...

I have been wondering a lot lately, "Where is he?"
I have been asking God for a long time, "When will You show me who he is?"

It seems like there are only 2 things I want out of life:
1. To live my life to the fullest for God
2. To get married and (possibly) have kids

It strikes me as amazing how God knows all of our futures, and he knows what we will do tomorrow, and next year, and forever.
God knows the person I am going to marry. (that is, if it's His plan for me to marry)
And that is just amazing. That is the solitary question I ask myself day after day.
Well, don't you ever wonder...? Don't you ever ask yourself, "Do I know him/her already? Does he/she live here, or in another city.... or another state? What does he/she look like?"
I ask myself those questions all the time.
and a lot more lately... i dont know why.

I can't wait until the day God reveals all of this to me.
That will be the best day of my life.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

fun and games


Its been a tough week, and it's only Monday.
Well i suppose its only been a rough several days. I'm all tired out from anticipating Rawk Fest, and then being disappointed when I heard it was canceled. That combined with finals, relationships, and assignments is too much.
I'm glad most of it is over. :P

So now that Monday (and Tuesday morning) are over, I have lots of stuff to look forward to. Like AWANA tonight, and a christmas party on thursday, and no studying for finals, and a dance party on sunday! and tomorrow, we're going BOWLING!! haha whee

and that's fun, kids.


Monday, December 10, 2007


Well, today I have my final- and you know what that means.
No more of this math class after today!
And that's partly a good thing, because math isn't exactly my favorite subject, but this morning I was thinking about all the people in my class I've gotten to know who I may not ever see again.
Brenda, Alan, Mariana, Tommy, Chris, Jacinta, Catlan.
These people (and more) have become my friends. Most of them are older (30's- 40's). Some of them have their whole lives ahead of them and are going to do whatever they want. They are going to grow and have families and climb ladders.
Some of them already have families, but they are getting a college education anyway. And that's admirable.

So yeah, I'm gonna miss them, but after I say "goodbye" today, all those people are going to go out and live their lives, and I think that's pretty amazing.

Friday, December 7, 2007


I heard pretty much the most amazing speech that I have heard in a LONG time at Toastmasters today!

It was about how pandas are evil because they are planning to destroy the human population by coming up with a special type of bamboo that will grow in any condition, and then they will throw thier "bambombs" into the ocean, where they will fall into the deepest trenches and grow. When they grow, the roots will become so big and deep that they will split the earth apart and everyone/thing will die!

lol this was such a hilarious speech!

I love our toastmasters club...

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I can be a really awful person.
I think that one of my friends is mad at me.
It's not a good feeling.

CNM classes will soon be over for the semester. I have my final on Monday. I haven't studied for it at all- somehow it doesn't really matter to me anymore.

Today is a sleepy sort of day. I really haven't done much work, which isn't a good thing at all because everything is piling up and a lot of assignments will be due soon.
But surprisingly, I don't really care. And I don't know why I don't care...
My procrastination has come to a new level.

I just keep thinking about my friend.
It's the only thing I care about right now.
I hope I didn't damage things too badly...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

i hate bees

Right now I am really scared because there's a bee in my house.
A bee.
I hate bees!!!

I was carrying my cereal bowl to the kitchen, and there it was on the floor. I didn't know it was a bee, so I was about to squish it and then it got up and flew away (!!!). I ran across the hall to the living room, and it met me over there, so I screamed a little and spilled milk all over myself and the floor. Then I ran upstairs and shut the door to my room, because that's the last place I want it to be.

I hate bugs that can fly. Because they can follow you faster.

So now I'm typing this (in fear) because... its out there.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Right now I'm actually listening to Without Love from Hairspray on YouTube.
Yeah, I already know I'm lame, but that movie was actaully surprisingly amusing! I think Seaweed is the best singer. (why do they call him seaweed anyway? strange..)

Anyways it was really cool yesterday cause it rained pretty much all day.
I think rain is my favorite kind of weather. It can be gloomy, it can be wonderfully happy, it can be soft or hard, it can be cold or warm. Rain washes away dirt and grime and leaves everything fresh and clean.

so anyways, time for homework