Monday, April 20, 2009

we have the facts, and we're voting "yes"

can't wait till school is over. there are only about two more weeks of cnm classes, and i take my GED on the 28th and 29th, but after that i'll be basically done. thankfully.

there is so much i want to do over the summer. i am going to make a million different things. i wa
nt to make these vases that are made out of strips of magazines.
lately ive been seeing them everywhere as if they're like, nyah nyah you didn't make me, somebody else did.

i want to make thousands of earrings.
im going to break out the sewing machine i know we have around here somewhere and learn how to use it. im going to buy a big bag of mismatched buttons that i know they have at hobby lobby rip it open and examine every one.
im going to think up new ideas for t-shirts and im going to make pinatas.
i want to make belts out of seatbelts, you know with the buckle as the safety clip thing.
there is one wall of my room thats pretty bare, and ive been wanting to do something about it for whats seemed like a long long time. im going to hang beads or felt or cover it with peices of paper or fans or something.


also, i need a job.

im generally just looking forward to the freedom of summer. it'll be busy, but in a different, much better way.

(lately procrastination has been a really big problem for me. its because its so hard for me to do things that don't interest me, namely physics. i dont see the point at all, so i just don't do it. not a good thing, but i always feel that when im studying it all just goes in one ear, slips around my brain, and comes out the other and i just wasted that much time)

at least graduation went well. at first i wasn't terribly excited about it, got there and couldn't find the chair with my name on it so i felt retarded. i was hoping i would be able to sit next to someone i knew, but i wasn't. the people i sat next to were nice though.
they told us we couldn't throw our caps up in the air, can you believe it? the one thing i really wanted to do. well, we did it anyway. after all, you only graduate twice.

what made me the most happy was the people that came. my aunt and uncle came all the way from florida, laura is very busy but she came, josh wanted to come which means so much, and other family came, especially bryan, leon, jenny, and waldo. they brought me flowers.
they met us outside after the ceremony. everyone was shivering, but for some reason i wasn't cold. Surrounded by people i love, i looked up and saw that a little snow was softly falling and i could see it perfectly against the glow of a streetlight. so pretty.
afterwards we went to flying star and i had some of their amazing macaroni and cheese. it reminded me of that one commercial where the snowman comes into the house and a lady feeds it campbells soup, and it melts and turns out its actually a little kid. thats how i felt- it was cold and rainy outside, but inside there was warmth, food, laughter, and people that are very, very special to me, and it melted away everything that was pulling me down, making me cold, so that there was just me.

i went to the zoo with josh on saturday. there were a lot of baby animals, and it was fine just walking around. ate lunch at roosevelt park and that was so much more amazing because it was so relaxed and carefree. the grass was super green and soft from all the rain the day before, and we lay on it for a long long time. i kind of felt like one of those reptiles at petsmart that just lay on a rock and let the warmth from one of those heat lamps soak into their scaly skin.
then we got up and had a waterfight.
my jacket was soaked so i wore josh's, and it smelled really, really good.
after church we went and met danielle at satellite, which is one of my new favorite places. josh bit me. i couldnt believe it. i was putting my hair into a ponytail later and noticed there was a giant bruise on my arm from it. kind of reminds me of this song- .

as we drove home that night, the skies were clear and i looked out the window up into the sky and saw all the stars shining and looking down at me and josh sitting there, and i just know God put them there special, for me.
because He wants me to be happy.
and so i am.

today is monday, but tomorrow will be tuesday and the day after that is wednesday, and next comes thursday, which is practically friday.
cant wait.

paradigm, all together separate (we should do this one for worship at church sometime)
the words best friend become redefined- chiodos
love is a fast song- copeland


JoshM said...

yep you only graduate twice.

i cant wait for friday. small group is going to be fun.

aurora said...


Anonymous said...

i am so with you on the not being motivated for physics thing. ugh. only a couple weeks left tho :) btw which band is your blog title from? oh, and congratulations on being done. i am so jealous :P

aurora said...

thanks for helping me with physics, btw. youre the best :)
its death cab for cutie, one of their cds. ive been listening to them nonstop, something about airplanes.
hah not quite done yet though. two more weeks left, remember?

Anonymous said...

de nada, i'm still waiting to help with spanish too, lol. yes! i knew it! i <3 death cab for cutie. yeah, well, i have more than that, so i still get to be jealous!