Wednesday, April 29, 2009

like a cloud

i woke up with the sun.

GED today. the first part, at least.
we walked in a single file line, no talking, put your belongings in the left corner of the room, go to your assigned seat- that sort of thing. English up first; i never worry much about english because it comes naturally to me. The man behind the table told us that statistically, only 55% of people pass the GED. how sad. the lady behind the other desk tried to cover it up with, "But im sure you'll all do great..."

it was pretty easy though. Also we had to write an essay. It was really weird writing about "my favorite game" after taking english and writing a bunch of essays on much deeper topics this semester. I think God was laughing at me again.
after english came math. we had to watch a video about how to work a calculator, and another one about how to fill in a scantron. Seriously? What a waste of 20 minutes.

we got a peice of scrap paper to work out problems on. The lady said we could do whatever we wanted with it, "write a love note to your 'honey', i dont care."
thought that was funny.
anyway, im not worried about the results.

i just got back from a really long bike ride. its impossible to stay inside on a day like today.
rode to the park and lay in the grass for awhile. there were little kids playing t-ball and baseball in the feild next to me, people throwing frisbees for their dogs, teenagers walking hand in hand, women running on the trail so that they can squeeze into bikinis sometime this summer. i made a ladybug friend. she traveled slowly down my arm onto a blade of grass, climbed to the end of it, up the tip of my finger, spread her wings and drifted away. made me wish i could fly too, or that i was a speck and could fit on her back.
i love the way clouds move in the sky. Theyre so determined to get somewhere, but in no particular hurry.

I got bored so i picked up and went places ive never been on my bike before. there were busy streets and the cars kicked up little peices of cotton that flew up my nose. i think im the only one who notices my tan.
its there. you just gotta look closely.

i love that feeling you get after coming home from a bike ride, where you feel like you could fall over but you just feel really really good.

i know God wants me to be happy.
i am, very.

i dont remember being this happy in a long, long time.

shut up and let me go- ting tings
paper wings- rise against
silver bugs- eisley


Anonymous said...

told ya the GED was gonna be easy! you're too smart for that test, missy