Saturday, April 11, 2009

i was a kaliedoscope

mom is in charge of the collage.
its a gigantic poster board with a bunch of pictures of our family on it. I keep looking at it; there are so many happy memories involved. some of the best moments of my childhood were definitely with my extended family.

yesterday was incredible. dad made strawberry pancakes and then everyone left. i love having the house to myself. spent the morning cutting up peices of cloth because im making a shirt much like this one :
im pretty excited about it.
went to a meeting for our graduation. i dont think i even had to be there, but im glad i went anyway. it was fun. everything seems to be coming along fine; i am so much more excited about this graduation than i am about the one next week. the kids in it are hilarious and amazing, so we'll see what happens.

i went on a date yesterday. we went to the park to fly kite(s). my shoulders are a little sunburned, the first step toward a tan. then we went and got pizza and to roosevelt park after that.
roosevelt park is my favorite. its hilly and green for albuquerque, with lots of trees. we lay on a hill staring up and the cloudy sky and tree branches bending in the wind. there were little round seed things coming from the trees, and when a strong breeze blew through there were millions and millions of them in the air floating like golden snow. we tried to catch them when they floated toward us, and blew them in each others faces and sprinkled them in each others hair.
(yeah, in case you didnt know, josh smells really incredibly good)

happy wouldn't be the right word to describe it. more like content.
i love how we can do anything and it will be an adventure. we never have set ideas of what to do, we just make it up as we go on and end up having an incredibly good time.

tomorrow is easter. im excited to celebrate the glorious ressurection of my savior.

your protector- fleet foxes
silver bugs- eisley
i was a kaleidoscope- death cab for cutie
technicolor girls- ''


Miss E. said...

I cannot put into words how happy I am for the two of you. All I can say is, you deserve all the awesome times that you're having. Love you, lady :D

aurora said...

i cannot put into words how happy i am when im with him. thank you evie, it means a lot.