Tuesday, March 31, 2009

pictures in an exhibition

today my business teacher said that in the near future, books will become obsolete because everyone will have Kindles or whatever the new version of the Kindle will be, and they'll just download books instead of going to libraries and bookstores.
i think thats crap.
people love material books too much to give them up. I do. i love turning pages and cracking the spines and smelling the pages. i love going into the deepest corners of a bookstore and finding just what i'm looking for and running my fingers down the pages.

I just picked a pair of glasses out of my family's collection. Im going to pretend to be J. A. Prufrock's therapist tomorrow for my presentation. It should be fun; i hope the glasses help play the part.
i had no idea they had so many glasses. im the only one in my family who doesn't need them, so i guess i dont think about it.

I'm the only one in my class who blogs, and everyone else thinks i'm weird. they don't understand why people blog. i dont think i do either. a way to tell people how you feel i guess. I just always feel satisfied after posting.
Only sometimes i cant explain how i feel.

thats how i feel today. i couldnt have told you in words.

i am angry and frustrated with my God.

what sarah said- death cab for cutie
baby, you wouldnt last a minute on the creek- chiodos


Anonymous said...

don't worry i love books too. :)
i'm sorry you're frustrated... i'll be praying for you. this song really helped me, maybe it will do the same for you