Monday, March 16, 2009

hands in the air; love at our sides

I have this dream where i can fly.
I start out on the ground, but i know i can make it up in the air. I stretch up as far as i can go, and i have to concentrate. I have to know that i can do it. i have to believe that i can do it.
i throw my arms out and they gather the air as if i had wings. I can push myself up little by little; just enough so that the people down below cannot catch me to pull me back down.
and believe me, they try.
Usually i go up high enough so that they look like little dolls below, and then i find the tallest tree and sit in the highest, thinnest branches. I go from tree to tree. If i stop believing that i can fly, i start to fall. Kind of like Peter Pan i guess, only theres no magic pixie dust to make me float; its just me.
i have that dream every once in a while.

english class is the only one i care about anymore. you can hardly call reading stories and then talking, writing, and debating about them work. Some of my favorites have been: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, A Rose for Emily, and The Yellow Wallpaper. A Rose for Emily was particularly gruesome and interesting.

God has been showing me so much and helping me grow lately. Its weird how He does that. Usually He does something to me that makes me very unhappy, and then teaches me how to overcome it.

ive been meaning to send my ipod in for repair for 3 days now. the 'on/off' button is broken. todays the day.

Clinton comes home on Friday for Spring Break.

Todays Theme Music:
all it takes for your dreams to come true- a skylit drive
everyone looks so good from here- underoath