Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ive always said i could see, so now im going blind

i just realized that i have cat hair all over me.
and that i don't really want to do this right now. i want to be lying at the foot of a gigantic tree, maybe at that park we went to in Oregon, with warm sunny weather and windy; to lay on my back looking up at the little paths of branches and leaves above, and think about God and how amazing He is and how lucky i am even though i complain way too much, to ask Him to show me what i'm looking for.
thats what i want, right at this moment.

guess what? Dad got picked to go to Oregon. I'm excited and slightly apprehensive. i'll be happy to be FREE, you have no idea how incredible this is to me. I'll have a lot of responsibilities though, but nothing i can't handle im sure.

I went to apply for jobs today. But only to two places, because mom was mad at me for no reason, but thats another story. I went to this one pet store and to edible arrangements, but neither of them were hiring. I was mad at myself when i left the pet store, because one of their special features is that they train pets, and they asked me what i do and i said i was a student. I should have mentioned my two years showing my dog in 4-H. showing= training. it would be hilarious if all that 4-H stuff was actually good for something :) i think a cool job would be intern at the Transitional Youth in Portland.
i want to sit in Pioneer Square.
by the way, if you know of any job openings or if anyone's hiring, please please tell me.

We are doing this major research project in my English class and i'm beginning to hate it. i have to give an oral presentation a week from today with visual aids, and my topic is 'meaningful relationships' using The Love Song of J. A. Prufrock by T. S. Eliot. i have no idea where to go from there. so yeah. not looking forward to looking stupid in front of my entire class.

i wanna learn how to skateboard.

made myself some sparkly nail polish yesterday, and i love it probably more than i should.

dad is outside grilling up some burgers; im feeling spring coming on :)

Todays Theme Music:
mewithoutyou- january 1979
cloud cult- pretty voice
mewithoutyou- nice and blue


Miss E. said...

I'm excited for your freedom. You will enjoy it massively :D

JoshM said...

never heard of the guy, but he seams really cool. jealous a bit, not going to lie.