Tuesday, March 10, 2009

a breath of fresh air

back from phoenix.

i actually had a really great time and im so glad i went. i never realize how great it is to get out of albuquerque till i actually do. too bad the trip didn't last longer... i could've been there for at least the whole week.
it was so warm. and green.

fruit was growing on trees. i got a slight sunburn, running and falling and climbing. at times, the air smelled like oranges.

We swam in an outdoor pool at night and didnt even get frostbite. i have a bruised/scraped nose because i accidentally swam into a wall, haha. i just didnt see it.

at the competitions, there was a lot of encouragement from other kids and other christians. it was refreshing. its difficult to find that kind of environment these days.

really, the only bad thing about the trip was its length. we had an 8 hour ride up there on friday, spent the whole day saturday, and another 8 hour drive back on sunday, so it felt like most of the time we were driving. This also led to minor fights among the kids since we were in such close quarters most of the time, like there was a mild fight between two girls i know, skin on skin.
not too much drama, but i found out that one of my friends who went up thinks i like him, when i just see him as a friend. So now i have to figure out how to subtly and tactfully show him im just a friend, and try not to hurt him since i think he's a pretty cool guy.

overall it was a pretty good trip, though.
and i had good grades on my school stuff when i came back, so thats a plus.

i wanna climb that orange tree again. that was heaven.

Todays Theme Music:
headshot, faithless, on wings of integrity- mychildren mybride

ive been completely addicted to:
tiger mountain peasant song- fleet foxes
take your medicine- cloud cult