Saturday, March 28, 2009

and i have known the eyes already

i was just thinking, ive been to a lot of weddings. At least 10. most of them were catholic weddings.
today i went to a wedding. I really didn't know the couple, but it was incredible anyway. Have you ever seen 27 Dresses? The girl asks the guy what his favorite part of a wedding is, and he says its the look on the groom's face when he sees the bride for the first time.
i would have to agree. He looked so happy i could have cried.
and then we got to throw sprinkles at them. weddings are cool cause you can throw stuff at people, and its normal.

had an honor society ceremony thing today too. i got inducted in and had to light a candle and tell what i want to do with my life. After all the kids lit their candles and said their stuff, i was thinking that i was the least ambitious person there. Everyone wants to be a doctor, journalist, lawyer, or chemical engineer, and i want to open a business.
but yknow i was thinking, i want to make stuff- i wanna be a potter, i wanna paint ceramics and sell sets of dishes i make, i want to design more hoodies and t-shirts, i want to make a million more pairs of button earrings and pocket pals and finger puppets and cards and buttons and thumb tacks and paper lanterns. and im going to have a little shop where i sell it all, and everything i do will be for the glory of God.
i am just as ambitious as any of those kids.

i love this stanza from T. S. Eliot's Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock:

For i have known them all already-
have known the mornings, evenings, afternoons

i have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
i know the voices dying with a dying fall
beneath the music of a farther room.
how then should i presume?


Todays Music:
everyone looks so good from here- underoath
ponytail parades- emery
eulogy- five iron frenzy


JoshM said...

i just got an idea! ok ok ok ok, so the next time you are making a pocket pal for someone, you should make it a super hero, with a cape, and mask! that would be so freaking cool.

anyway that is just me.