Thursday, August 9, 2007

suckers (people and candy)

Today I went to my aunt's (mom's sister in law) sister's funeral. They are Catholic. I've been to lots of Catholic funerals. It can be entertaining, especially when the priest tells everyone to make a sign of peace to their neighbor. You're supposed to hug them or shake their hand and say, "Peace be with you," but my dad and I just give each other the peace sign.
One of the things that struck me was that they kept saying that Charlotte (the lady who died) was with God now and always will be safe in His kingdom. Well, everyone I've talked to about her has said she was a very awful person who did drugs and drank and was generally just an all-around mean person. I'm pretty sure she didn't believe in God, and yet this preacher was talking about how right now she's in purgatory being prepared for an eternity with God. Purgatory?! What the hay! Where did this come from? This is obviously just something they made up so that they can get into heaven more easily. The preacher (turns out he was just a deacon, actually) even quoted this Scripture that says people will be judged "those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation." Well, if thats really true then Charlotte shouldn't be going to heaven, should she? If these people are really believing some of this junk, they are suckers.
Well I was talking to my aunt after the service and she said that before Charlotte got out of prison the last time she made amends with her family and (sounded like) she pretty much went back to God. She may be in Heaven, she may not, but the point is that the whole Catholic system is still screwed up, no matter what happened to Charlotte. It makes me sad that this whole side of my family is Catholic. And that they pretty much don't care about God anyway.

But anyway, then we went and served chicken in like 100 degree weather, and didn't eat any. But I ate a tuna sandwich later, so I was happy.
And my piano teacher gave me a sucker (not that I was good, 'cause I pretty much sucked at my lesson today) and that made me more happy.


anon said...

Purgatory?! What the hay! Where did this come from? This is obviously just something they made up so that they can get into heaven more easily.

Purgatory is the place you go where you have to do enough work to get into heaven. I didn't realize that some Catholic denominations still believed in it. This is why they want your money too, because if you pay them money they claim that your time in purgatory will be shortened. Kinda weird if you ask me.