Thursday, August 30, 2007


Class today was pretty good.
I kinda screwed up in the Christian friend department, but I know God forgives me and I'm determined to make it up anyway.
There's this guy in my class that, ever since monday, I've been thinking about how familiar he is. Well, today as I was walking through the hall, I told him to have a nice weekend as he was walking past. He stopped and asked me, "Do I know you from somewhere? You look so familiar!"
And I told him, "You know, I've been thinking that same thing about you!"
We thought for a minute.
"I've got it!" he said. "Didn't I see you at Dairy Queen?"
And then I remembered: all the way back in January, he had been the guy I ordered my birthday cake from!
I cannot believe he remembered me from back in January when we only talked for 5 minutes.
Isn't it funny how things can work out this way?


Anonymous said...

woah. that's what I call random.

except... there really is no random, because God is in charge of things, and so nothing is really random seeing as it's all a plan.

so if it's all a plan, then you were really supposed to meet this guy and someday, who knows, you might impact his life. But that's living in the future. Come on. Live in the present amandathrax!!!
