Sunday, August 5, 2007

go find your wedding clothes

A sum-up of last Thursday's group:

1) Noel read Matthew 22:1-14, where Jesus tells the story of the Wedding Banquet (that means heaven- just the way they put there makes it sound so beautiful). A lot of people are invited to the wedding banquet. In the end of the chapter, the king at the wedding finds this guy who is not wearing wedding clothes, and he asks him where they are.
The man didn't know what the heck the king was talking about.
So the king ordered his servants, "Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
The next verse is everything: "For many are invited, but few are chosen."
Don't be the one who is invited and not chosen. God chooses you when you choose God. Go find your wedding clothes.

2) My Grandpa is dying. Last week he had two heart attacks (now a total of 3) and had to be hospitalized for 5 days. This is an awkward subject, but the problem is that I don't even know him very well (even though we go over there almost every week). So I don't really know how to feel about this, and it's kind of strange because its affecting everyone around me. We went to see him yesterday and he was walking around and stuff, but really- c'mon. The guy doesn't have that much time left on earth. So please pray for him, and please pray for me- so that I can know what I feel about him dying (getting the news was kind of sudden). Thank all you guys so much for praying and stuff. It makes me feel SO much better.

3) I was talking about this powder that you could make to use on your enemies that makes them fall asleep, and I described its consistency to be like anthrax. So now Rachel calls me Amanda-thrax. Which is pretty amusing. I've been trying to come up with one for her but I haven't yet.


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