Thursday, August 30, 2007


Class today was pretty good.
I kinda screwed up in the Christian friend department, but I know God forgives me and I'm determined to make it up anyway.
There's this guy in my class that, ever since monday, I've been thinking about how familiar he is. Well, today as I was walking through the hall, I told him to have a nice weekend as he was walking past. He stopped and asked me, "Do I know you from somewhere? You look so familiar!"
And I told him, "You know, I've been thinking that same thing about you!"
We thought for a minute.
"I've got it!" he said. "Didn't I see you at Dairy Queen?"
And then I remembered: all the way back in January, he had been the guy I ordered my birthday cake from!
I cannot believe he remembered me from back in January when we only talked for 5 minutes.
Isn't it funny how things can work out this way?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


So I've finally gotten all of my CNM stuff straightened out. I was taking Intermediate Algebra, but today I dropped that class so that I can take a class to complete Intermediate and College Algebra in one semester. So I now have classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1:30pm to 3:20pm, in addition to AWANA, piano, and Science Olympiad. And, of course, in addition to all of my regular school. I have too much on my plate right now.
It's kind of funny- my first day of class I just went to the normal Intermediate Algebra class (the class I had signed up for originally), and there were a lot of kids around my age in that class. They weren't very friendly. Then the next day I went to the Intermed/College class, and seriously more than half of the people there are over the age of 30 (hey, about as old as Mrs. Bork's piano!), and those people were actually pretty nice! I'm getting to know pretty well a lady (Carly) and two guys (Allen and Tom).
Another funny thing- in the first class I went to Tom cussed about every time he drew a breath to speak, because he can't understand the problems very well. Well, none of us in the group cuss, and I've noticed that he cusses noticeably less now. I suppose he's just one of those guys who repeats what he hears, and is subject to peer pressure. Maybe if he were always around people that never cuss, he wouldn't either. Hmm...
Allan is a funny guy. I only met him today. His reason for not coming into class yesterday is that he slept too late. The class starts at 1:30pm. He's taken Trig before, so he knows pretty much all the material. I asked him why he took this class again, and he told me he "got bored". And he really does know the material! He could teach the class. He drew cows and chickens most of class.
So far I pretty much like the class. But not the work.
I think I'll survive.
This semester, at least.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Im going to run away and join the circus

Yesterday was fine. Clinton was going to see Surf's Up with Alyssa, but I didn't have to go. I didn't want to. It looked so stupid.
We went to the library, I got some new music books, and mom bought me the blue tights I've been wanting from Forever 21.
Then she told me that I had to go to the movie with Clinton and Alyssa, or she wouldn't let him go. Which pretty much means that I have to go or he'll hate me forever.
Apparently she thinks that Clinton likes Alyssa and she likes him, and if they're in the movies alone together things might happen. Which is stupid. Stupid in 2 ways: 1) I'm pretty sure they're just friends, & 2) I'm the cure to cooties, so to speak. Mom always makes me be the third wheel because of precious Clinton.
I hate being the third wheel.
It's no fun. They didn't talk to me very much.
And it only makes me more aware that I'm not in a relationship.
Not that they are.
Nevertheless, it does.

I can say one thing, though- the movie wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

i miss mr. hatch

I had my first piano lesson with Mrs. Bork yesterday. She is my 4th piano teacher ever. 1 of the 3 I've had in only the past year. The other 2 moved away. Far away.
Outside of the Borks' front door theres a big plastic duck that's wearing a green cloth dress.
I don't like Mrs. Bork very much.
My last teacher, Mr. Hatch, has a little piano and short nails. He used to make his students wash their hands before starting the lesson. That way no one would get sick or grossed out at dirty keys. He knows almost everything there is to know about piano, and he has a fun teaching style and an unusual personality.
Mrs. Bork has long nails and a piano that's so old that it looks like the one from The Goonies. Practically.
The keys are like 5 different shades of brown and they're cracked and dirty. The black keys are dull, nicked, and rounded from use at the corners where they're supposed to be square-ish. Also, it is the strangest sounding piano I've ever played on. Needs tuning, I suppose.
Mrs. Bork has 6 kids. They were everywhere. In fact, she wasn't even there when we got to her house because she was picking some of them up. Her son answered the door. I knew him. I don't know his name, but I've definitely seen him before, at our church. He was polite, but ran up the stairs the minute I got in the door. Awkward.

I was thinking too, when I first met Mr. Hatch I didn't like him at all.
Just like I don't like Mrs. Bork.
But in the end, he turned out to be the best piano teacher I've ever had. He knew how to talk to people my age, since he taught choir at Cibola. I'm hoping that will happen with Mrs. Bork. I don't even know her very well yet. She could be different (there's no hope for her piano though. Maybe she'll buy a new one).
When Mr. Hatch left, I didn't feel sad or anything. Now I do.
I miss Mr. Hatch.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

rachel's surprise party

Yesterday we threw a surprise party for our (the satellite team/rocket teams') bestest buddy and leader, Rachel Clements, since she's going off to New Mexico Tech and we wanted her to know how much we freakin' appreciate her! First, we went to Hinkle. She knew about that part. We played put-putt (which took about 2 hours with 9 people. groan), go-karts, and laser tag. It was so much fun because I'd never done go-karts or laser tag, and I realized how much fun they are! Afterward we all pretended to be sad and said "Good-bye" and "We'll miss you" and "Good luck at college!" to Rachel.
Then everyone went to Hoffmantown, and hid in a room. Rachel was supposed to "meet her mom at Hoffmantown" so Ryan drove her, and when she got up to the room she had a great surprise! She really liked the scrapbook we made her. There was pizza and soda and salad and cake. And we played Mao and Rush-and-Mass-Murder. Good times.
I also got a crazy sunburn. There are white lines on my shoulders from where I put on sunscreen, and red lines where I didn't. I think I should have put sunscreen on in a pattern. That would make life even more interesting.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

cupcake dress

<---- Here is a picture from when Kris and I went crazy at the mall!

This was taken at Dillards.

It's of me in my favorite dress,

which I can't really afford.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I know something you do not!

Clinton and I are learning how to play ping-pong with our left hands. That way, when we go to play someone who is really good, we can play left handed, and then half-way through the game we can say, "I know something you do not!"
And the other person will say, "What is that"
And we will say, "I am not left handed!"
Then we'll toss our paddle from our left hand to our right hand, and brandish it.
Just like in The Princess Bride.
Only with paddles instead of swords.

Yesterday my friend Kristin and I were going to go watch Nancy Drew at the dollar movie. It was supposed to start at 11:15 am. Supposed to. When we got there there was a sign on the window that said the first showing would start at 1:30 pm. There were a lot of angry people there.
But Kristin and I didn't mind, we just went to the mall and found the craziest clothes and dresses and tried them on. It was good times.
The movie was pretty good, too.

Monday, August 13, 2007


The pinkie on my left hand is swollen and green. And also a little bit purple. That's because it got smashed in a microwave. But wait- it gets better! What were we microwaving?? Frozen t-shirts! Coolaid thought this would be a "great" game to play at her birthday party. It really turned out to be the worst game I've ever played. She dipped t-shirts in water and froze them, and whoever got theirs on the fastest won. I almost won. But I happened to get my finger slammed in the microwave door when we were doing our best to warm them up. So Evie ended up winning instead.
Guess what?? Yesterday Clinton, Kristin, Coolaid, and I all went to play volleyball at church. But it turns out that it's not just casual volleyball- it's a LEAGUE! So we ended up making a 6-week commitment to be in the league! It's so exciting, even though our team totally sucks, to be part of something like this. It's like, the league of extraordinary volleyball people! And our team name is: LEOPLURODON!! I think you may only get a kick out of this name if you've seen the Charlie the Unicorn video.

Today I went to the mall with Coolaid, and she naturally had to go to the bathroom. So we were in the bathroom at Dillards (which is actually quite a nice bathroom) and I was sitting in the waiting area. I thought we were the only people in there. Suddenly I heard this loud grating metal sound that was very much like a small animal being squished and punctured to death. So I said (rather loudly), "COLLEEN, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU KILLING IN THERE?" and this unfamiliar voice said,
"Oh, it's just the toilet paper dispencer. It makes that noise when you pull the paper out."
It was quite embarrassing. Coolaid and I had a good laugh about it later.
It would be really amusing if that lady's name had been Colleen.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

suckers (people and candy)

Today I went to my aunt's (mom's sister in law) sister's funeral. They are Catholic. I've been to lots of Catholic funerals. It can be entertaining, especially when the priest tells everyone to make a sign of peace to their neighbor. You're supposed to hug them or shake their hand and say, "Peace be with you," but my dad and I just give each other the peace sign.
One of the things that struck me was that they kept saying that Charlotte (the lady who died) was with God now and always will be safe in His kingdom. Well, everyone I've talked to about her has said she was a very awful person who did drugs and drank and was generally just an all-around mean person. I'm pretty sure she didn't believe in God, and yet this preacher was talking about how right now she's in purgatory being prepared for an eternity with God. Purgatory?! What the hay! Where did this come from? This is obviously just something they made up so that they can get into heaven more easily. The preacher (turns out he was just a deacon, actually) even quoted this Scripture that says people will be judged "those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation." Well, if thats really true then Charlotte shouldn't be going to heaven, should she? If these people are really believing some of this junk, they are suckers.
Well I was talking to my aunt after the service and she said that before Charlotte got out of prison the last time she made amends with her family and (sounded like) she pretty much went back to God. She may be in Heaven, she may not, but the point is that the whole Catholic system is still screwed up, no matter what happened to Charlotte. It makes me sad that this whole side of my family is Catholic. And that they pretty much don't care about God anyway.

But anyway, then we went and served chicken in like 100 degree weather, and didn't eat any. But I ate a tuna sandwich later, so I was happy.
And my piano teacher gave me a sucker (not that I was good, 'cause I pretty much sucked at my lesson today) and that made me more happy.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

wish things hadn't changed

I feel so lost right now, because of what I experienced when I went to my cousin's birthday party last night. I miss the innocence of our childhood- I realize its all gone now, and everything just gets harder and harder as you get older. I remember when we were all kids we would have such great times playing hide-and-go-seek, and playing behind my grandma's adobe house. But last night everyone was cussing and using bedroom references, and I even saw while this guy I don't even know sneaked a bottle of Vodka to my cousin AJ. AJ turned and saw me looking at him (I think I was the only one who saw) and he just smiled.
"You didn't see anything, Amanda. Right?" he asked.
I glared at him and told him not to do anything stupid, but I don't think he heard me.
Poor AJ- he's one of my favorite cousins, as close to me as a brother. And he's so smart, too! But now he's going to go screw up his life, and I don't think I can bear to watch. Who knows what he did last night. Actually- I don't want to know.
It's so hard to grow up and realize you're the only one who still has her faith.
Possibly the only one who ever had any faith to begin with.
The highlight of last night was when my little cousin Andres (4 or 5 years) gave me a little frisbee he got from the pinata.

Please pray for my family. Everythings' just a bit screwed up right now.

go find your wedding clothes

A sum-up of last Thursday's group:

1) Noel read Matthew 22:1-14, where Jesus tells the story of the Wedding Banquet (that means heaven- just the way they put there makes it sound so beautiful). A lot of people are invited to the wedding banquet. In the end of the chapter, the king at the wedding finds this guy who is not wearing wedding clothes, and he asks him where they are.
The man didn't know what the heck the king was talking about.
So the king ordered his servants, "Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
The next verse is everything: "For many are invited, but few are chosen."
Don't be the one who is invited and not chosen. God chooses you when you choose God. Go find your wedding clothes.

2) My Grandpa is dying. Last week he had two heart attacks (now a total of 3) and had to be hospitalized for 5 days. This is an awkward subject, but the problem is that I don't even know him very well (even though we go over there almost every week). So I don't really know how to feel about this, and it's kind of strange because its affecting everyone around me. We went to see him yesterday and he was walking around and stuff, but really- c'mon. The guy doesn't have that much time left on earth. So please pray for him, and please pray for me- so that I can know what I feel about him dying (getting the news was kind of sudden). Thank all you guys so much for praying and stuff. It makes me feel SO much better.

3) I was talking about this powder that you could make to use on your enemies that makes them fall asleep, and I described its consistency to be like anthrax. So now Rachel calls me Amanda-thrax. Which is pretty amusing. I've been trying to come up with one for her but I haven't yet.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Ok, thats it. I'm not ever going to drink coffee ever again! Not that I normally drink it all the time... but yesterday my mom bought me this iced coffee thing from Borders, and since I don't normally drink coffee it did strange things to me. I was fine for about 2 hours after I drank it, but then I got so jumpy and skittish that I had to go outside and run around our backyard 10 times. And then I rode my bike. And then I did pull-ups on a tree branch. And then I ran through the sprinklers. By then it was time for dinner, and I was still so jumpy and hyper that I thought I was going to throw up until about midnight.

No more coffee.
