Saturday, January 12, 2008

watch out... its uber blog!!

Wow. I just watched the Leave Brittany Alone video. (i dont know what its really called) I can't believe I watched it. Kinda crazy, huh? It's just the first thing I thought of when I got online... and actually pretty funny. :P

Anyways, last night/this morning was really fun! Because if you didn't know, the Sagebrush youth group dominated Blades. My brother and I drove over, and when we got there we didn't recognize most of the people we saw- there were so many kids! I guess everyone invited friends... I know I did. Anywho, we got inside and finally found a familiar face- Mr. Shane. He drove us to Lives Ablaze (us meaning me, clinton, coolaid, and zombie) and I must say he is a very brave/tolerant man. :P
Mr. Shane was like the beacon of light in the storm and told us which direction we should head. So we headed down the hall, through a confusing maze of people, and finally ended up in this freaky hallway with no windows. It looked like the kind of place where people would get beaten up at night. haha.

Anyways, that was the 1st line we had to wait in. But we joined up with Brennan and Jordan, and talked about neat ways to waste money.
There are many ways in which rich people could waste money, but the best one is for them so smoke their expensive drugs rolled up in cash. Good ol' Brennan...

So at the end of the line we got let out into another line to give the people your money and get a wristband, and from that line you wait in another line to go into the soccer field, and then you have to wait in there until you can go back inside to wait in a line to get skates, and then you have to wait to get a seat to put the skates on, and then you wait in a line to get out on the ice.
There was a lot of waiting going on.
But it was worth it. I know I said I wasn't a good ice skater (and im not saying i am now!) but i must say that Ive improved. I think being with everyone on the ice made me more daring. In any case, it completely made my week!
Matt and Danielle were on the ice (without skates) knocking people down, so we all linked arms and skated at them as fast as we could and all ended up in a massive wrestling pile on the ice... I guess you'd have to be there. I only know that it was a blast.

And that brings me to another subject- broomball! Have you ever played broomball? If you haven't, you've missed out! Because its super-duper fun. You don't have to wear skates and its slippery and funny when people fall and even funny when you fall. My team lost, but I didn't care cause it was fabulous anyway. :P

The whole thing ended at 1 AM, and Clinton and I listened to Five Iron Frenzy on the (about) 40 minute drive home and finally crawled into bed at 2 AM.

We should so totally do that again.
And if you didn't go this time, you should go then.



Liz said...

Man, I am soo upset that I couldn't go!! It sounded soo fun!!