Sunday, January 13, 2008


I think most of my friends would be proud of me.
Because today I played a game of football.
The first serious one I've ever played! And it wasn't half-bad. woo-hoo

It was at my grandparents house. We were inside watching movies that I didn't understand because they were in Spanish, and Richard, my other cousin Brian, and his little son Victor (the cutest toddler in the world) came over to say "hi".
Well, Brian and Victor came to say hi. Richard came to basically rescue us. Literally! Because spanish movies can cause serious boredom.
Richard was the one who got us playing.
It was Clinton, me, Richard, Brian, Melisa, Jessica, and Antonio. (more cousins. theres always more!!)

Richard, Clinton and I were all on one team. We kept making up nicknames for the members of the other team, like, "You get on Mr. Giggles" or "I'll block Rusty Shacklebird!" and they didnt know what we were talking about!
and then Brian made up names for us. And it was strange cause he actually nicknamed me He-Man. Yeah, that was a first.

Anyways, it was good times.
Oh, and my team won.