Monday, January 28, 2008

its over!!

My birthday is over.
It was very good while it lasted.

My family went bowling on Friday after Government class and it was really fun. They had bowling shoes with flames on them! :D
And Clinton and I got some little plastic dogs from the machines they always have in bowling alleys, where you put in 50 cents and twist the knob and your prize comes out in a little plastic bubble thing with a lid. I named my dog Clarence Thomas and Clinton named his little dog Scalia, and it was good times.

Then yesterday my friends and I ran around the mall and rode the carosel.
Coolaid and Zombie bought me some Chuckie-t's! Zombie put bows all over one and filled it with candy and Coolaid wrapped the other one up in a box.
And I got a book about how to make stuffed bunnies/pandas/lizards/monsters/people/etc! Can't wait- so much fun. :D

So yeah I went to trig today and got my failed quiz back. I'm not kidding, it was a full blown F-, no points achieved. Cause I'm special like that. And I took another one like that today that I have a very bad feeling about, and I was like, "sigh. welcome to monday, my birthdays over"

But its all good cause I did have a good birthday :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008


It's 1:50am, its my birthday, and I can't sleep.

Seems like I waited my whole life to be where I am right now. It's kind of funny really.
And the moments you look forward to always seem to just pass right by, don't they? Without you hardly even looking up to see them as they fall away...

Before we know it, all of us will be 20, 30, 40.
Married, parents, working, enjoying life.
I hope we keep in touch.

What makes birthdays so special anyway?
Why is getting older so significant?
I think the answer to this question is that every year as Christians we get closer to God. And every birthday brings us a year closer to spending an eternity with Him.


It's 2:00 now. 17 years ago I was born in Presbyterian Hospital, Albuquerque NM.

Happy Birthday to me

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

actual story

Let me tell you an actual story from today!

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Amanda. She did all her chores and did most of her school almost every day (nobody's perfect).

One day Amanda told her mom that she wanted to drop off some books at the library after school. No problem there, right? She didn't think so. Her mom didn't think so.

So after an agonizing hour of trig in which Amanda failed a quiz and realized she could never ever become an engineer, she and her mother drove to the library.

"When we get there," Amanda said, "give me 5 minutes so that I can run inside and check out Wuthering Heights. I've been wanting to read that for a long time!"

"Oh!" said Amanda's mom, "You don't have to do that. I know I have that book on my shelf."

"Well... if you're sure, then I guess I can read it at home" Amanda reluctantly agreed. (Reluctantly because her mom had quite a reputation for saying she remembers having things which she has actually sold, discarded, or otherwise disposed of)

So they drove on in peace.

Upon reaching their home, both Amanda and her mom walked inside and looked for the book. But (as Amanda suspected) it was nowhere to be found.

"Hum!" Amanda's mother stated, "Wherever could my book have gotten to?"

Amanda was naturally annoyed. Wouldn't you be annoyed if you were RIGHT there at the library and didn't go in to get the book you wanted because your mother said she had it and then didn't and then wasn't even sorry she was wrong and wouldn't drive you back to get a book cause she was wrong?

Amanda suggested to her mother that perhaps she had forgotten selling the book, but her mother just exploded in her face.
"ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR??!" Her mother outraged.

"No... i was ... just suggesting.." Amanda tried to speak, but her mom was too busy sneering,
"Well you don't deserve to read the book anyway with that attitude."

Now for some morals:
(rachel always has morals, and since this is supposed to be a story I guess I'll have some too)

1) don't get too worked up over something as small as a book (my bad)

2) don't ever even remotely act like my mom (her tremendous fault)


I think I'm pretty much going to fail Pre-cal.

I'm not smart like all of you guys!

In class, Don (my teacher) just goes on and on and I don't understand the material. And then I go home and try to make some sense of it and Clinton tries to help but I don't know...
Theres a quiz today.

I have to go study.

Monday, January 21, 2008

the power of words

I can talk again today!!
haha im so excited.

Its kind of squeaky though.


today is a day for homework

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Yesterday was eventful.

I woke up pretty early and drank some Airborne. Have you ever tasted it? Because its kind of like Orangina gone bad.
When my parents came downstairs and started talking to me, I discovered that I'd lost my voice last night at the birthday party. Which was not a good thing, because last night I went to the Regency Ball (a dance for homeschoolers) and its kind of awkward talking to your dance partner when you sound like a smoker.

It was ok though cause we went to Wecks and then Laura called me and was like, "Hey! Lets go see a movie!" and i was like "Okay!"
So I went to Cottonwood Theater and saw Cloverfield, which was pretty crazy at times. Kind of like Godzilla. Lots of blood.

Laura drove me home and then Clinton and I drove to the Regency Ball.
It wasn't all it was cracked up to be. :P
Everyone looked so nice, and we did these dances from Pride and Prejudice. But about halfway through I was like, "when is this thing gonna be over?"
But then finally it was.
After a lot of talking and laughing.

And so when I woke up this morning, I couldn't talk at all.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

"Rachel, you're dead! You're not supposed to be playing pattycakes!"

Sorry I took the quote Evie, but it's the first thing I thought of when I had to title this blog. :P
Plus I knew you'd forgive me. And if you didn't forgive me I could just squeeze your knee and make you forgive me.

Anyways, I went to a birthday party last night. It was amazing. As usual.
(Did you expect it to be anything less than amazing?)
I think there was something in the pepsi.
The party was for Rachel. She turned 15. Sooo good! :D
Rachel got an evil panda. She might have named it something, but I named it Desmond.

Yeah it was some pretty good times

I'm really grateful for all of my friends.

So yeah.

oh and i lost my voice!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

this is my life

Eww I'm sick... again.
I don't know which of you lovely people gave me this cold, but I just wanted to say... thanks. :P

And I had to go to class today too. There was Chemistry at 9am and Trig at 3:30.
Everything is harder when you're sick.
Getting up is harder. Eating is harder. Moving is harder. Paying attention is harder. Blogging is harder.
Functioning is harder.

My chem class is so boring. I don't know anyone in it. And I realize that I don't really want to know anyone in it either...
My chem lab partner is a grandma. Hopefully she is a cool grandma.

I must say that I like trig. Well, its a love/hate thing I guess. I hate that I can't understand what the teacher is talking about, but I love the company.
The teacher is funny and entertaining. Plus theres 4 people in the class that I know from my other math class. Especially my friends Catlin and Zach. I sat with them today and it was good times, even though I was pretty much deathly ill.

No class on monday

Sunday, January 13, 2008


I think most of my friends would be proud of me.
Because today I played a game of football.
The first serious one I've ever played! And it wasn't half-bad. woo-hoo

It was at my grandparents house. We were inside watching movies that I didn't understand because they were in Spanish, and Richard, my other cousin Brian, and his little son Victor (the cutest toddler in the world) came over to say "hi".
Well, Brian and Victor came to say hi. Richard came to basically rescue us. Literally! Because spanish movies can cause serious boredom.
Richard was the one who got us playing.
It was Clinton, me, Richard, Brian, Melisa, Jessica, and Antonio. (more cousins. theres always more!!)

Richard, Clinton and I were all on one team. We kept making up nicknames for the members of the other team, like, "You get on Mr. Giggles" or "I'll block Rusty Shacklebird!" and they didnt know what we were talking about!
and then Brian made up names for us. And it was strange cause he actually nicknamed me He-Man. Yeah, that was a first.

Anyways, it was good times.
Oh, and my team won.

and though the news was rather sad, i just had to laugh

Sometimes mom decides to wake up in a good mood, and sometimes she wakes up in a bad mood.

Today is a bad mood day :(

My dad is leaving today. He's going to Austen, Tx for this training stuff. He works at Intel. It's ok though cause he'll be back on Friday.
I really hate it when my dad's gone though- seems like part of my world is missing. I'm just glad he'll only be gone for 5 days. Once he was gone for much longer than that...

Well, school starts tomorrow. yuck.
Its going to be so busy. and I hate government. :P

Saturday, January 12, 2008

watch out... its uber blog!!

Wow. I just watched the Leave Brittany Alone video. (i dont know what its really called) I can't believe I watched it. Kinda crazy, huh? It's just the first thing I thought of when I got online... and actually pretty funny. :P

Anyways, last night/this morning was really fun! Because if you didn't know, the Sagebrush youth group dominated Blades. My brother and I drove over, and when we got there we didn't recognize most of the people we saw- there were so many kids! I guess everyone invited friends... I know I did. Anywho, we got inside and finally found a familiar face- Mr. Shane. He drove us to Lives Ablaze (us meaning me, clinton, coolaid, and zombie) and I must say he is a very brave/tolerant man. :P
Mr. Shane was like the beacon of light in the storm and told us which direction we should head. So we headed down the hall, through a confusing maze of people, and finally ended up in this freaky hallway with no windows. It looked like the kind of place where people would get beaten up at night. haha.

Anyways, that was the 1st line we had to wait in. But we joined up with Brennan and Jordan, and talked about neat ways to waste money.
There are many ways in which rich people could waste money, but the best one is for them so smoke their expensive drugs rolled up in cash. Good ol' Brennan...

So at the end of the line we got let out into another line to give the people your money and get a wristband, and from that line you wait in another line to go into the soccer field, and then you have to wait in there until you can go back inside to wait in a line to get skates, and then you have to wait to get a seat to put the skates on, and then you wait in a line to get out on the ice.
There was a lot of waiting going on.
But it was worth it. I know I said I wasn't a good ice skater (and im not saying i am now!) but i must say that Ive improved. I think being with everyone on the ice made me more daring. In any case, it completely made my week!
Matt and Danielle were on the ice (without skates) knocking people down, so we all linked arms and skated at them as fast as we could and all ended up in a massive wrestling pile on the ice... I guess you'd have to be there. I only know that it was a blast.

And that brings me to another subject- broomball! Have you ever played broomball? If you haven't, you've missed out! Because its super-duper fun. You don't have to wear skates and its slippery and funny when people fall and even funny when you fall. My team lost, but I didn't care cause it was fabulous anyway. :P

The whole thing ended at 1 AM, and Clinton and I listened to Five Iron Frenzy on the (about) 40 minute drive home and finally crawled into bed at 2 AM.

We should so totally do that again.
And if you didn't go this time, you should go then.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008


In one of the chapters of the book Peter Pan, theres a paragraph that describes what happens to little children when they fall asleep.
Their mothers come in to tuck them in, and once they see that the kids are asleep they start going through the dresser drawers of their child's mind.
They neatly and deftly sort through all of the memories and thoughts, horrified by the thought of where they might have picked this up, or holding this memory close to thier heart.
And finally, when the children wake up in the morning all of their naughty, selfish, sinful thoughts are stored away into the deepest drawers, and the lovely, bright, and cheery thoughts are fresh-aired and put right on top, ready for the kids to put on.

Last night, I wished that I could be a little kid again- that my mother could come in and arrange my thoughts so that all the yucky things that happened yesterday would be in the depths of my mind right now.
Of course it doesn't really happen, but don't you think it would be pretty nice?

Monday, January 7, 2008

more dreams

I had the strangest dream last night:

I had one best friend, and all we ever did was hang out together. I would go over to his house, but I couldn't ever remember what happened there; I would only ever remember the shape of the outside of the house, and that there was a grand piano in a room filled with windows.

One day something happened- I don't exactly remember what- and I was going to go and fix it. Someone dangerous had changed everything, and I wanted things back to the way they were. My best friend told me not to go, but I went anyway.

We met in an alley, the dangerous person and I, and I was walking toward him when he pulled out a gun and shot in my direction. I thought that if I pretended to be dead, he would just walk by and I could leave.
I didn't know he had followed me there, but I heard a yell- and another shot. When I twisted around, there my friend was. All crumpled up. Dead.

Blood was everywhere. Too much blood.
Then I felt the pain, and when I looked down I realized I had been shot too.
But that wasn't what hurt the most.

Seems like I fell asleep then. When I woke up, it was raining. And my memories were back- I could finally remember all the stuff my friend and I had been through together. But actually remembering him just made things worse.
I ran outside through the rain, across the grass to his house. I saw the room with all the windows, and when I tried the door it actually opened a crack. I went and sat on the piano bench to watch the rain streaming down the windows.

After a while I got up and walked through the house. Everything I met was so familiar, as if it was my own.
It had been my own.

I noticed the trembling when I got to his room. I went around greeting every familiar object.

Suddenly his mom was there. She told me that I could visit whenever I wanted; that maybe I could go into the room with all the windows and play the piano- fill the house with music again.
But I didn't want to. I didn't ever want to set foot in that house again.
I turned around and ran through the house, past the piano, through the window room, not sure if the water running down my face was the rain or my tears.

And then it ended.

I woke up and Clinton was in the shower, my dog was sighing contentedly next to me, rain streaming down the windows outside.
It was just a dream.
A really vivid dream, though.
I can't stop thinking about it...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

science olympiad

Science Olympiad is an event for mid-school to high-school kids. You sign up for whichever section you would like (theres everything from the study of reptiles to building boomilevers) and then you study for them for 4 months, and then the competition is in February at UNM.
I'm in Science Olympiad this year, and I signed up for Oceanography and Forensics.
My friend and Oceanography partner, Melodie, comes over every Tuesday and we compare notes from our college Oceanography textbooks we bought online. I'm not too crazy about Oceanography- and you shouldn't be an Oceanographer unless you don't mind being alone on a small boat, braving the elements for months at a time. (i mind :P)

I had my first Forensics practice today. I think I'm going to really enjoy this one, even though I will be studying frantically until February because I haven't done much of that lately. The reason I chose this event is because I think I might actually like to do that for a living. That and I want to learn how to analyze a person's behavior, and tell whether or not they're a psycho killer. I love to watch that TV show Criminal Minds, because that's what they do on the show- they have missing people, some of them might show up somewhere (dead), then they have to figure out stuff about the crime with forensic methods, and eventually they find the psycho killer dude by studying his behavior and matching everything up. (Criminal Minds is the best crime show on television- very little "CSI/FBI drama" they cut straight to the chase)
Also Forensics is a cool event to be in because you can slosh chemicals around in test tubes and laugh at the world.

I'm still trying to decide whether or not I like Science Olympiad on the whole.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

swinging into 2008

What's up, Lazyheads?

Thats right- its 8:42 in the morning and I got 6 hours of sleep. woohoo!

Last night I went to a community center (sorry, not a club :P) all-night swing dance special. It was sooo amazing! There were a whole bunch of people there I knew and some crazy crazy dancing.
There were a whole bunch of people from New Mexico Tech; I could always tell when I was dancing with one of them, because they had all the same moves.

And I got to learn the charlston, which I've been wanting to learn for a long time.

Around midnight everyone gathered around and got some noisemakers and hats from a table, and we all counted down the new year and blew whistles.
Then we danced some more. :D