Tuesday, February 5, 2008

snow is good too

I know I've said that I hate snow.
But I guess that's not really true.

Last night I realized that I love love love to watch snow silently fall. No wind, no sound- those just ruin the effect of plain snow. And yet the snow is not plain itself- everything about it is so clean, so refreshing.
Icicles hanging from the rooftops, frost tracing up and down windowpanes- its all so naturally beautiful.
It's fun to go for a walk in it, especially at night under a purple sky. My family did that once, every now and then lobbing a snowball at someone when they weren't looking. :)

Yeah a little snow it good every now and then.
I like living in New Mexico- it snows just the right amount, and then melts pretty fast.
And its just cold enough in winter and just warm enough in summer.
I may not ever move.