Monday, February 25, 2008


So I guess I should tell you how Science Olympiad went. I didn't do so well. I got 12th place in Oceanography and 7th place in Forensics. La Cueva and Albuquerque Acadamy kicked our butts.

It was especially a disappointment for Oceanography, since I spent the most time studying for that. I pretty much deemed it a complete waste of time at first. But I guess if I hadn't have participated I wouldn't know Sam and Paul and I would not have done so much crazy stuff with Vivienne and Melodie. And I never would have tasted that delicious smoothie at NMT. :) Oh and now when I watch LOST, I'll know exactly which kind of waves/tides/beach patterns I'm looking at.

Well I must admit that when they first announced the Oceanography scored, I was very thoroughly disappointed. But after a few hours' reflection, I remembered something one of the girls said at small group last Thursday: when you really look at life, the only thing that truly matters is God. Everything else- school, friends, sin, extracurricular activities, parents, significant others, bad test scores- hardly matters compared to Him. And even as Christians we do everything , in word or deed, to the glory of God. Oceanography doesn't really matter compared to God. He created Oceanography. He could pwn Science Olympiad!

Also: God wanted us to get 12th in Oceanography. He is sovereign; it was his plan. And you know, whatever His plan is, I'm ok with it. :)


Anonymous said...

well now you don't have to go to nationals!

and if I ever get stuck on an island with long-distance phone service, I'll know who to call for anything involving the ocean.

aurora said...

haha thanks-
im totally here for you rachel! :P