Monday, February 11, 2008

how peter felt

I had this blog all planned out, and now I have no idea how to begin.

Well I was driving home from CNM today, looking at the gorgeous sunset that I just know God put there for me, to remind me of Him.
And to remind me to pray. I've made a decision to pray much more from now on.

Anyways, I was looking at the sunset and praying. And thinking about how I used to pray for God to test me, so that I could show Him that I would always be true and faithful.
And I was like, wow. God has been testing me lately, and I didn't even realize. I didn't even think of it. I hardly recognized it even when it bit me on the nose.
But I wasn't as faithful as I'd planned on being. I let everything, what God was testing me with, life just get in the way of being with Him and letting Him take control of the situation.
I think I do know a little of how Peter felt.

If Jesus Christ is true,
Then I am mostly lies-
If Jesus Christ is love,
Then I have failed to try-
If Jesus Christ is life,
Then please just let me die...