Wednesday, November 5, 2008

safe no matter what

I had another run-in with Awkward Guy today.

I was walking down the little path at CNM to get to the cafeteria, and i was trying to hurry cause the wind was so cold it took my breath away. But as i was approaching the parking lot, I saw Awkward Guy, and i REALLY hoped that he didn't see me, so quickly turned to walk away. I've done this successfully 2-3 times before and escaped without him seeing me (i think), but not so today! He waved and stumbled over, and so we made arrangements for another study session after his class.

And then, just as i thought a study session with Awkward Guy could not get one bit more awkward, it DID. He confronted me on turning away from him as if to run away. And he also asked me if i even liked studying with him.
And of course i was an idiot and replied, "of COURSE i like studying with you! whatever could make you THINK that i was going to run away when i saw you??"

I just cant stand to hurt people. Even Awkward Guy. He's pretty nice; he doesn't deserve it- its just that if he wasn't so awkward i totally wouldn't mind study sessions or anything.

Anyway, the BEST part of my day was right after Awkward Guy (shudder) went to his class before our study group thing-
I finally got to the cafeteria and this other kid from our chemistry class was there and asked if i could help him with his math homework. He thought i was a tutor at Main campus cause he saw me writing on a board in a study room there, but he quickly found that i am just as clueless at math as he is cause i couldn't help him with his algebra even though I'm in pre-calc.
But we started talking, and I actually got to witness to him! It was really amazing- ive been praying for an opportunity like this for a long time. It was the best part of my day :)

im really glad I went to first wednesday today. That guy that did the little communion speech said JUST the thing that I needed to hear- i was almost crying during worship cause I've been feeling so broken lately, so it was amazing to hear (once again) how Jesus gave himself so that I can be whole.
i love that.

Todays Theme Music:
fractions- emery
the ponytail parades (acoustic)- emery
on the safest ledge- copeland


Anonymous said...

So the guy who was with you when I saw you when I was waiting for the Forts? Was that awkward guy??


David said...

Ick. I hate awkwardness. I still cannot believe that we go to the same campus on different days. Argh!