Thursday, November 13, 2008


1) Its 'Write love on your arms' day.
just in case you didnt notice.

2) the photo shoot got canceled. :( I guess josh was gonna borrow some lights from this one guy, but the guy lent the lights to someone else who didnt return them on time. so when josh went to get the lights, they werent there, and who knows when they'll be returned, so the shoot has been temporarily postponed. So now im doing nothing this friday, when originally i was gonna take tickets at Creation Fest and then canceled that b/c i was gonna do the shoot.

3) I really really need to buy underoath tickets. soon.

4) Finally finished Lukes pocket person, after like a month or so. I got kinda burnt out on it about 2 weeks into making it, so i stopped working on it after i ran out of thread. but yeah, its done now. I guess im making Katelyns next, but i dont know when i can get myself to start on it. I get kinda sad in a strange way after finishing a pocket pal. Its like another little piece of me is popping out into existence, however cheesy that may sound.
I really cant wait till this becomes all i do.
its a crazy obsession of mine.

Todays Theme Music:
second skin- the gits