Sunday, October 28, 2007

hot or cold

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in two different worlds.
(and no, my parents are not separated)
One world is white and the other is gray.

It's because I am Hispanic, and most of my family (cousins, aunts, etc) live in the Valley. Some of them claim to be Christians (or "Religious", as they say), and some of them don't even pretend. Today I was in the Valley practicing dancing for my cousin's quinceanera, and everyone was describing a party they had gone to (with no lack of swearing). One girl stopped and said something like, "Oh yeah, I'm religious but I just cuss a lot, and I party a lot". My other cousin flat out said that she didn't fit in with "all the religious people", and that she and all her friends would probably be going to a bad place (meaning hell).

They all laughed.

They laughed.

It reminded me of a video I saw at church recently, where a guy went up to random people in random places and asked them what they thought of the devil.
Several people didn't believe in the devil.
Several people didn't believe it even concerned them.

Yeah, we're only talking about your eternity here, people.

It always hurts me to see my cousins talking this way. I can't really talk about God with most of them, because they just claim to be Christians and shrug it off, and if I show them where they are stumbling, they just ask me if I have a problem with the way they are. Their world is completely gray- they mix the bad with the good and think that it's all good.
But God doesn't take the man who is lukewarm; you must be either hot or cold.

I always come back into my little safe comfort zone of white, but what good does it do? My family
is still out there. They still don't love God. They still don't understand what they are doing with their lives. They still don't realize that they have time to change.

Jesus has already saved me- now I need to help Him save my family.

Would you please pray for me?

don't be alarmed
don't be afraid of what you are
just turn around
everybody's someone
everybody is someone