Monday, October 15, 2007

my weekend

I had a really good weekend. I'm sad that its over.
For me, weekends start on Friday because I don't go to CNM that day.
So on Friday we were on the road at 8:00am, cause my friend Melodie came to our house and we drove her to Government class at Hoffmantown. But we didn't get to stay. We dropped Melodie off and drove to a 4-H meeting for the Free Stylin' Hawks, our (now) old club. We were having elections/induction, so that was officially my last meeting with that club.
Then we drove back to government, stayed for the last 30minutes, drove Melodie to her church (which happens to be right next to ours), and went to Dions. By the time we got home, it was 2:00.
Then Clinton and I left again at 4:30ish, because we volunteered at a football game.
It was actually a lot of fun, now that I think of it. I was too tired to think after it was over, because I made nachos, frito pie, hot dogs, and chili dogs for people the whole time. Which can be very tiring.

Saturday and Sunday basically consisted of studying for my math final/PSAT. But there was an Orangina and a Jones soda thrown in there somewhere, so it wasn't too bad. My math final is tomorrow (yikes!) and the PSAT is the day after that (oh no!). I'm probably more worried about the final because I'll get my grade sooner. And it determines whether or not I will be moving on to the College Algebra class. :P

So please pray for me. Pray for everyone taking the final! And the PSAT.