Monday, October 8, 2007

Joni Tada Dinner

Last night I went and helped at this Joni Tada dinner they had at Grace. Joni Tada is an artist that is paralyzed, and so she holds a paintbrush in her mouth. And her paintings are actually pretty good.
So the dinner was for families with children who are disabled. The parents went in one room and had thier food and entertainment, and the kids went in this other room and we had a fiesta. And thats why I was there (not because there was a fiesta, but because they needed people to help with the kids).
I was assigned to this kid named Simon. Simon is in kindergarten and he has Down Syndrome, so he had trouble paying attention and he didn't listen to directions very well. Also he didn't speak.
So I had some trouble keeping up with him. He liked to escape.
I was feeding him some chicken and then I looked up and saw my brother and some other guys dancing in the hall. They had on sombreros and had painted beards and twirly mustaches on thier faces with different colored paints. So I told Simon, " Look at the clowns!" And he actually looked and smiled! For once his attention was caught for more than 30 seconds. It was pretty funny actually.
They actually did have real clowns there making balloon animals for everyone. One gave me a sticker that read 'I Hugged A Clown Today'. So i put it on my hand, sticky side up, and I patted Peter on the back and told him, "See ya Tuesday, Peter!"
and he didn't suspect a thing.
It was pretty funny.
Overall, I think everyone had a good time.