Wednesday, September 2, 2009

wolves at night

1) school is going ok. my favorite class is probably astronomy, though its also my most difficult class. its really hard for me to grasp a lot of the concepts.
(also as a result of school i am realizing that im really ignorant and know pretty much nothing).
im excited because there is a full moon tomorrow. it will rise at sunset and set at sunrise. i love how methodical everything is. its so planned.
my astronomy teacher is funny. he has blow-up balls of the earth and the moon to use as models and is always referring to them as "expensive scientific equipment". also he has a little Gumby and tapes it to the earth for some examples.
my friend Colleen is in my astronomy class, so we always hang out afterward since our next classes dont start for another two hours or so. its nice, because i never get to see her anymore.

2) i really, really suck at doing homework. cant concentrate. cant get motivated.
(pray for me?)

3) my parents left for oregon last tuesday. its just been me and kristin for over a week. its been really, really (reallyreallyreally) nice. i thought it might be a little hard to adjust, and i might miss them, and stuff like that. but really, it wasnt hard to adjust at all. one day they left, and it feels so normal. (dont know what im gonna do when february comes around). people keep asking me if i miss them, and it feels like a trick question. because honestly, i dont. but when i say that it makes me sound like a bad person. so i always say, yeah, a little, because then its not so much of a lie, i guess.
anyway, ive been enjoying it.

4) i only work about two times a week now, and its weird because it seems like so much happens while im gone. Sunday i went in, looked at the schedule, and it said in large letters across anthony's section: ANTHONY- TERMINATED FOR THEFT. which was a little alarming. but it really wasnt that bad, i guess all he'd been doing was giving away free sandwiches to friends. the reason i say its not that bad is because pretty much everyone does that at subway, and i think its ridiculous of Peggy to fire him and look away when her 'favorites' do it. I liked anthony. he was probably my favorite person to work with.
Also, Peggy sold our store to some guy. It changes hands in october. The cool thing is, he's going to do a $6,000 remodel and keep all current employees. So... it'll be weird but hopefully it will be a good thing.

5) i broke josh's nose today. we were out with Luke and his friend John doing whatever and making videos with their new video cameras. we were in the parking lot of the mall talking and messing around, and josh and i were ninja-fighting, and my knee went up and his head came down and they made contact. It happened really fast. I heard a popping noise and the next thing i knew my arms were around him and he was leaning over so that the blood pouring from his nose would go on the pavement. We waited for it to stop bleeding, and then drove to my house and i gave him tylenol and ice to put on it and stuck his shirt in the washing machine because it had blood on it. I felt really, really bad. Its swollen, but he's fine now, so thats good.

6) today was Kristins birthday. (kristin is my roommate). She wants to be a marine biologist, so while she was at school i went out and got her a little fish tank and a bada fish, and i got 25 balloons from the dollar store and hung up a giant happy birthday sign.
i almost passed out blowing those balloons. and i guess they had chemicals on them, because my lips felt like they were on fire when i finished. but it was worth it. i just wanted to show her that i care, since she's moved away from her family and stuff. Just wanted to show her that the day was still very special.
i love birthdays.
7) ever heard of bon iver?

and i have been listening to right away, great captain and manchester orchestra non-stop. i love andy hull.

8) and i love josh.
(and i love God the most.)

thank you, Lord.


When I go for a drive I like to pull off to the side
Of the road and run and jump into the ocean in my clothes
I'm smaller than a poppyseed inside a great big bowl
And the ocean is a giant that can swallow me whole

So I swim for all salvation and I swim to save my soul
But my soul is just a whisper trapped inside a tornado
So I flip to my back and I float and I sing
"I am grounded, I am humbled, I am one with everything"