Tuesday, August 18, 2009

only love is all maroon

i have a bruise on my right arm.
i was brushing my hair this morning and saw it in the mirror. It made me smile. it reminds me of fun times.

Laura left on sunday. We asked her what she wanted to do on her last day here, and she wanted to go to the zoo. So thats what we did on saturday. We ate at saggio's and then spent 20 minutes looking for the zoo even though it wasnt that far away. We felt kind of dumb getting lost because we'd been there so many times, but we found it eventually. I haven't had that much fun at the zoo in awhile. But it was over quickly, and then we went to my house and wasted time until laura had to leave because she hadn't started packing yet (which is one of the things i love about her). so we said goodbye.
and it was hard.
but she'll be back for thanksgiving, which is something to look forward. also, i am VERY tempted to road-trip up there (texas) to visit and see Eisley in November. we'll see what happens.

Also clinton left on sunday. (but i am more used to him being gone so it wasnt such a big deal). my parents went up with him to get him settled in his new apartment (!), and i stayed home to take care of the dog. It was really, really (really really really) nice to be on my own for awhile.
sunday night i went to see District 9 with josh, luke, alex, and caleb. i had no idea what it would be about. it was like this:
me- what movie are we going to see again?
josh- district 9.
me- what is it about?
josh and luke- aliens.
me- sweet.
And it was alright. a little disturbing at times, but overall a good movie. it ended at about midnight. we rode home talking about the movie (i love discussing movies), and the wind was rushing through the open windows, and music from josh's ipod was playing, and as we went over a bridge i looked outside at the stars and the moon lighting up the clouds thinking how amazing the day had been and how beautiful the sky had been looking, and i felt good. really, really good.

yesterday at grants house we had fun with saran wrap. we wrapped each other up in it and made it into whips and hit each other with them. I love that kind of simple fun.
then we went and played football in the park. (hence the bruise on my arm). it was fresh and clean out, and the grass was wet. it was amazing. a great way to end the summer.
and i didnt want to come home, not at all, because my parents were back. and yes, when i walked in the door they were angry with me.
sometimes all i feel like is a disappointment.
but it is bothering me less and less. (is that a good thing?)
anyway, they will be gone in a week. i am really looking forward to it. i know ill miss them, but sometimes you need a break, right?



And would it have been worth it, after all,
Would it have been worth while,
After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets,
After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along the floor—
And this, and so much more?—
It is impossible to say just what I mean!
But as if a magic lantern threw the nerves in patterns on a screen:
Would it have been worth while
If one, settling a pillow or throwing off a shawl,
And turning toward the window, should say:
“That is not it at all,
That is not what I meant, at all.”