Monday, September 28, 2009

i will do my best to meet you there, halfway or the whole way

I just got back from the store.
We were almost out of cereal, and that can't happen. So i bought Berry Colossal Crunch, not to be confused with Cap'N'Crunch.
(they are equally delicious. )

The new owner to our Subway takes over on October 4th. I'm excited to meet him. Everyone says he is pretty cool. Lately work has been pretty weird, what with Peggy (current owner) leaving soon. On one hand, she is buying all this new stuff for the store so that the new guy won't have to; things like scissors and oven trays and brooms, so now we actually have more nice things in the store than ever before. On the other hand, peggy doesn't care so much about this store since its changing hands soon, so she's leaving us to deal with a lot of problems ourselves. Like when the refridgerator broke, she didn't come check things out because she was "really busy," though you'd think that would be her #1 priority. The food was spoiling and she told us to serve it anyway, when really the store shouldn't have been open at all while that kind of thing is going on.
Also, now i have a new subway shirt to adversise for our new $5 footlong. Its purple and has a chicken on top of a buffalo on the front and it says "chick with a kick."

School is hard. Actually, im not doing well at all. After all the first tests, my grades have fallen. So now im working harder, and im grateful because (after a lot of drama) in my sociology class, the teacher is letting us drop our lowest test score if we do considerably better on the next one. Definitely an incentive.

Danielle is coming back from New York tonight. I have to go pick her up from the airport at 6:40. The first day she was gone was pretty crazy: i had gotten the keys to the house from danielle and i gave them to josh that morning because he was watching her house and cats. But sometime while he was at work, the keys fell off of his keychain and were lost. (And they still have not been found, and probably will not be found). Also he was really sick, so he texts me and asks for help getting into danielles house. So that night i got my dads huge ladder and loaded it up into the truck (not very easy to do), and while i backed out of the garage i accidently hit the side mirror on the side of the garage door. I didn't think it was a big deal because ive done it about a million times before, but then the garage door wouldnt close all the way. it would get to about a foot from the ground and stop. So i left it like that and went to danielles house.
Josh and i couldn't figure out the ladder, and i ended up messing it up while trying to open it. So by then i was kind of freaking out- it was 10 at night, i had just broken the garage door, just managed to mess up the ladder (my dad would be upset, of course), we couldn't get into danielles house because we couldnt figure out the ladder, and josh was really sick and had a fever. We ended up eventually getting the ladder up, climbed up to the second story, hopped in through danielles porch, got into the house through the window. It was an adventure. Then i gave josh some nyquil and went home to fix the garage door.
Turns out, i majorly messed up the garage door with one little tap of my mirror. I had to call bryan at 10:30 at night to come and fix it. Thank goodness for him! best cousin ever. He knew exactly what to do.
it was an eventful day.

but you know, i would rather things be eventful and hectic than boring.

and so life is good.

(go read The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne.)


but god you mean more to me

than any three hole punched fake scripture could come from me
just know that i love you
but love's such a simile
for pearl gates of gold;
i will do my best to meet you there, half way
or the whole way
on a high way you know
where the ending will take place so beautifully,
so beautifully.


Rachel S. said...

Is the new owner by any chance Jerren Bermudez?

Robert Thomas said...

That's a cool guy.

Who is your Sociology professor?

aurora said...

i have no idea. i dont know anything about him yet.

im taking sociology at unm; my professor is Mate Planck from Croatia! :P

Robert Thomas said...

Ah, nevermind then.