Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a stern shake of the head

I cant remember a time I've been this glad for the weekend to be over.

Friday sucked, Saturday was fine, Sunday sucked, Monday was not much better.

basically im just giving myself a very stern shake of the head, telling myself i can do better.

Saturday night my aunt came home drunk (she had stayed at my grandparents party till like midnight). Not overly drunk, but visibly at least. I had already claimed my bed back, since she hadn't come home, so she had to sleep with 4-year-old Marisol b/c her mom, my cousin Jennefer, was spending the night at our cousin Estevan's house.
But the next night Steve (my aunts boyfriend) had left and they made me sleep in his bed without washing the sheets... i was just a little disgusted, haha.
Also i had left my sweater in Los Lunas. I hope it doesnt snow today :-/
hopefully ill get that back this weekend.

Then at English on Monday, i realized that i had forgotten to do the assigned homework, something thats never happened to me before (not that i can remember). I guess i just forgot because of the stress of having the family over and being gone all saturday and babysitting Marisol.
And i had a physics test...

im glad thats over. now im just trying to finish everything up so that i dont forget anything else, listening to some House of Heroes, drinking Simply Lemonade. (have you ever had it? its the best)
i hope it doesn't snow :P

Todays Theme Music-
metaphor in paentheses- house of heroes
paper wings- rise against