Monday, February 23, 2009

sometimes its just nice to be told

I'm ok.
how are you?

just finished talking music with my friend Paul, which is amazing since he's one of my favorite people to talk to.
And i love getting people into music i love so they can love it too; its like sharing a little piece of God with them. (because God is why i listen to music)
(for the most part)
and i love being introduced to new music, because it makes me think... and feel... and that is alright with me.

(my back hurts. i have a mole there and its bleeding, kinda not normal right?? i put a band-aid on it, b/c band-aids are supposed to make everything better, but its not working man!)

Apparently im a pretty amazing person. Thats what paul says, anyway.
i dont know if you believe him, i dont know if i trust him, but it is nice to be told once in a while, and it was especially nice just now because i was feeling particularly un-extraordinary. it made me feel that much better about myself.
just what i needed, thank you.

i could really go for a cookie right now.

Todays Theme Music:
headshot- mychildren mybride

anything manchester orchestra


Vivienne said...

Better get that mole checked out, Dasher... it might be melanoma. And it would be a major bummer for you to get cancer because you are amazing. Go see a dermatologist!

aurora said...

gah! not cool!

Vivienne said...

Seriously! It could just be nothing, but always best to confirm... don't die.