Tuesday, February 24, 2009

let it sink in

i miss summer.

i dont like this false spring we're having, because its only trying to get me used to being warm just to have another cloudy, windy day and I'll freeze my butt off.

i miss waking up on top of the covers and yet being completely warm,
coming downstairs and not having to wear a sweater cause its not like a refrigerator compared to my room;
i miss actually enjoying the feel of wind on my skin because its warm wind,
it raining every single day at 5pm,
and totally amazing sunsets after the rain.
And staying up late watching the sun set, wearing shorts and it being the perfect temperature, playing cards with my family outside.

and grass thats not brown.

and leaves on the trees, coming down the hill to Coors and just seeing green.

im gonna have an ice-blocking party, and youre invited.

Todays Theme Music:
building houses- wesley jensen
nobody sings anymore- manchester orchestra

Monday, February 23, 2009

sometimes its just nice to be told

I'm ok.
how are you?

just finished talking music with my friend Paul, which is amazing since he's one of my favorite people to talk to.
And i love getting people into music i love so they can love it too; its like sharing a little piece of God with them. (because God is why i listen to music)
(for the most part)
and i love being introduced to new music, because it makes me think... and feel... and that is alright with me.

(my back hurts. i have a mole there and its bleeding, kinda not normal right?? i put a band-aid on it, b/c band-aids are supposed to make everything better, but its not working man!)

Apparently im a pretty amazing person. Thats what paul says, anyway.
i dont know if you believe him, i dont know if i trust him, but it is nice to be told once in a while, and it was especially nice just now because i was feeling particularly un-extraordinary. it made me feel that much better about myself.
just what i needed, thank you.

i could really go for a cookie right now.

Todays Theme Music:
headshot- mychildren mybride

anything manchester orchestra

Saturday, February 21, 2009

wave o' babies

Remember that baby shower i went to last month? Well the baby was born yesterday at 7 am. Its a little girl and they named her Trinity.
(i really dont like the name, haha)

But really, im just glad shes ok.

And im going to another baby shower today! Only this time there will actually be people to talk to, since my favorite cousin Richard will be there (its a b'grl shower). Nonetheless, i really love baby showers, especially ones for my family. i love playing the games, picking out little baby gifts, and preparing the family for a new member.
its unfathomable to me how God 'knits' babies together. (i love that word for it)

babies are so special. they're little miracles.

Todays Theme Music:
i want you (shes so heavy)- the beatles

Thursday, February 19, 2009

fly away, little birdies

My dad has this opportunity to go work in Oregon for a few months, and he's taking it.
Now we only have to wait and see if the Intel people pick him. They have to pick 4 people.

If he gets picked, my parents will both go to live over there and I'll stay here to take care of the house and the dog. They would leave me a car and money for food and gas and stuff.

i kinda hope my dad gets picked :)

Todays Theme Music:
all you need is love- the beatles

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

where are you hiding?

you know how in That 70's Show, everyone smokes weed and then sits in a circle and talks? They come up with these 'amazing' ideas and plans, but afterward they never remember them.

That happened to me last night. minus the weed.
i had so many ideas and revelations and i couldn't sleep because of them, but now i cant clearly remember any of them.
kinda weird.

Ive been pretty confused lately about a lot of things, and i feel like im going through slow-motion, like times have been passing super fast, and then i stop and realize that im not some 30+ year old still living in her parents' house and still have a little time left to finish stuff up.
Its kinda crazy. But if its what God wants, then its what I want too. i love knowing God has a divine plan for my life.

i think about that all the time; its just so seriously amazing to know that He knows everything im going through... i guess i just love how He understands everything and thats exactly what i need right now.
im trying so hard to be patient with stuff right now but i suck at it and i end up hurting myself and other people.

....... life, i guess.

Todays Theme Music:
im not a theif, im a treasure hunter- a skylit drive
i could be there for you (with new intro)- eisley

Sunday, February 15, 2009

this isnt the end



lady of the wood-eisley

Friday, February 13, 2009

something is wrong with me

I dont know how to feel.
Today was uneventful in a way, but at the same time things happened that make me want to cry and things happened that make me want to smile.

So im happy... and sad... all at once. And its weird.

Today was amazing because-
i got to be by myself this morning.
i have my drivers licence.
i got to hang out with marissa and robert.
i was creative.
i got out of the house.

Today was awful because-
i was ignored.
i found out my grandpa has cancer.
i had to be by myself this morning.
i procrastinated, so now i still have to do a bunch of homework.

valentines day is tomorrow. but i dont care.
not too much, anyway.

God has a plan for me, and that should be good enough.
just pray that it will be, i guess.

Todays Theme Music:
how i waited- manchester orchestra
jesus in the southern sky- kellin quinn

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

soon, i'll pretty much be the Hulk

I got Facebook stalked.
Today in my finance class one of the girls, Julia, brought a friend, and when her friend came in she said, "Oh my goodness! are you amanda galloway?"
i'd never seen her in my life, so i felt kinda awkward.

But apparently, this girl facebook stalked me. So i told her about the pocket people cult group... always trying to spread the word ;)

I have my English class in about an hour, so in the meantime im eating sour skittles and hanging out with my little cousin Jessica. (we picked her up from school today cause its a half day)

and im super sore, because last night at awana we played crab soccer. fun times.
im on my way to buff-ness, man

Today's Theme Music:
reinventing your exit- underoath
knights of the round- a skylit drive
her advice cost us a life- emarosa

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a stern shake of the head

I cant remember a time I've been this glad for the weekend to be over.

Friday sucked, Saturday was fine, Sunday sucked, Monday was not much better.

basically im just giving myself a very stern shake of the head, telling myself i can do better.

Saturday night my aunt came home drunk (she had stayed at my grandparents party till like midnight). Not overly drunk, but visibly at least. I had already claimed my bed back, since she hadn't come home, so she had to sleep with 4-year-old Marisol b/c her mom, my cousin Jennefer, was spending the night at our cousin Estevan's house.
But the next night Steve (my aunts boyfriend) had left and they made me sleep in his bed without washing the sheets... i was just a little disgusted, haha.
Also i had left my sweater in Los Lunas. I hope it doesnt snow today :-/
hopefully ill get that back this weekend.

Then at English on Monday, i realized that i had forgotten to do the assigned homework, something thats never happened to me before (not that i can remember). I guess i just forgot because of the stress of having the family over and being gone all saturday and babysitting Marisol.
And i had a physics test...

im glad thats over. now im just trying to finish everything up so that i dont forget anything else, listening to some House of Heroes, drinking Simply Lemonade. (have you ever had it? its the best)
i hope it doesn't snow :P

Todays Theme Music-
metaphor in paentheses- house of heroes
paper wings- rise against

Sunday, February 8, 2009

wires and the concept of breathing

i sure know how to waste time.

physics test tomorrow, and im definitely not ready. who wants to read about spring constants anyway?

its a nice cloudy day and i think thats alright since im nice and cozy inside. just watched The Sword in the Stone, old-school Disney version, and ate some ice cream with snickers in it. Can life be any better? (maybe with no homework...)

Some of my extended family from Nevada is staying at my house... (invading my house).
Though my aunts boyfriend took a plane back to nevada today, so i get my own room back tonight (hopefully). just as well; i didnt like him much.
yesterday the whole family (cept clinton, sniff sniff) went to Los Lunas where another of my aunts live to have a giant party for my grandparents since it was their 52nd anniversary.
Look how happy they were that we threw them a party! haha

Anyway, that was pretty amazing since i got to see a whole bunch of my family, specially my cousins Richard and Bryan who have me laughing at every turn.

the only thing was that i was kinda sad that i wouldnt get to go to church, b/c church makes me super happy. But since the party ended up starting at 1pm, I ended up going to church just in time to see our version of the Lifehouse Everything skit.

it was really amazing. i almost cried.
Grant was jesus. I have no idea why i get such a big kick out of that, but i do.

then we went to Dions afterward, as usual, and i had an especially amazing time.
the end

Today's Theme Music:
wires and the concept of breathing- a skylit drive
whats a clock without the batteries?- emarosa