Friday, October 3, 2008

cant wait for tomorrow night

a crazy week. im glad its almost over.

We went to visit Clinton last weekend. I have decided that I don't like going to visit clinton. I wish clinton would come visit us. We didn't even talk to him that much, because he didn't really seem like he wanted to talk or spend much time with us. He had to study for a test, and then we didn't get to play around or anything; it was mostly just staying at the hotel watching tv.

Also, it is really hard (for me at least) to study while I am riding in a car. Which was not a good thing, since I had 3 tests this week. Sunday was probably the worst day, because we had to do a formal dinner in the morning (something for Clinton, i guess), and then drive back here, unpack, then pack again. Because I had to spend the night at a friends house because my aunt had surgery and my mom couldnt drive me to school cause she had to drive my aunt to the hospital. But I was pretty glad that I had to go to my friends house, because with her help I realized that I did all the wrong homework. So thankfully I got all that done, though I had to work into the next morning.
But seriously, I don't know how I would have survived this week in the fine mental state I'm now in if i wasn't a Christian. I can't count how many times i was stressed and frustrated to tears, and had to stop what I was doing for 10 minutes so that I could talk to God and have Him tell me everything's ok. God always makes me feel better, seriously. Go read 1 Timothy and you'll know what I mean...

Oh yeah, and another stressful thing is now gone from my life! Piano lessons have been cut from my weekly routine. I'm not gonna stop playing piano, I just "quit" piano lessons, so its something im going to do on my own, at my own pace.
(ooh i like the sound of that)

But the week still isn't over. And neither is the stress, because tomorrow morning we, as in awana, are having a garage sale at Grace church to raise money for Summit this year. My parents are in charge of it, so I have to go and hold signs and try to sell crap. Anybody wanna buy some junk? Its for a good cause :)


Jo said...

I quit piano lessons a while ago, and let me tell you, it's amazing to be able to do things at my pace, and challenge myself as much as I want to. It's also fun to learn songs that I want to.

Anyways, I hope this helps on your piano adventure. :)