Wednesday, October 22, 2008

school friends? what school friends?

Have I told you about Awkward Guy?
I am literally hiding from him right now.

Josh Morse was pretty happy when i told him i know someone more awkward than him, though Awkward Guys awkwardness is a different sort of awkwardness than Josh's. Josh has an awkwardness that makes him likable because its funny. Awkward Guy has a kind of crazy awkward aura, and whenever I'm around him, I feel awkward too. Its the whole stuttering/loss for words/saying the wrong thing/shifty eyed/not knowing what to do with your arms and legs/i just wanna be your friend awkwardness. Its a different kind of awkwardness.
So i really dont like hanging around Awkward Guy, because i hate feeling awkward and i dislike being around people with this type of awkwardness.

The thing is, Awkward Guy always wants to hang out with me. I'm not the very hang-out-able type of person, unless you really know me, so i really have no clear idea why. I think its because Awkward Guy used to know my brother way back when.
Anyway, without fail, every monday after chemistry he will walk up to where im sitting and ask if i want to study after his class (at 1:30). And i am obliged to say "yes", because
1) if you say "no" to Awkward Guy, he will be depressed
2) i actually need the help

Only last week i was studying with a friend in the cafeteria and i forgot i told Awkward Guy that i would be in the library, and he was apparently searching for me everywhere until he found me. (which is kinda creepy). But anyways, today after i said i confirmed that i would study with him, Awkward Guy stuttered out, "You'll be there this time, right?", and i felt bad that i was so mean to him.
So here i sit in a corner- the very back of the library. There is a chance, however slight, that maybe Awkward Guy doesn't wanna study today :P

Todays Theme Music-
on wings of integrity- mychildren mybride


IIII Hal IIIII said...

oh gracious dear hahaha sounds like akward guy has an awkard crush

;) hahahaha
good luck wit that

aurora said...

excuse me while i go barf