Thursday, July 31, 2008

another crazy dream

I've been dreaming a lot lately.

Last nights' was particularly memorable.

I was riding in this huge van with a bunch of people from church. It was night, and we were passing through a neighborhood. We all got out of the van and started to walk around, and then suddenly they all got back in the van and left me. I ran to try to find them, and this other van pulled up from behind. I started to walk towards it, thinking it was the church van, but at the last minute I realized it wasn't, and I tried to get away. But I couldn't; it was this gang of girls and I realized it would be useless to try to get away.
The ringleader started punching me in the face, which didn't hurt much, but I could feel myself starting to lose consciousness. After she was done with that, she got out a knife. Once I realized that she was going to cut up my face, I started begging her to stop, but she just smiled cruelly and started swinging the blade around so that it was slitting my face. Just then the church van came around the corner, and she smiled and got back into the car.
By that time, I was in some major pain and shock, so tears were streaming down my face, and I looked down and my shirt was covered in blood. I couldn't see that well, so I just walked down the sidewalk and eventually met Ryan Sickenger. He wouldnt look at my face; he just took a bandana from around his head and put it around my eyes.
The next thing I remember after that is laying in a bed with everyone around it. It was 5 days later, and the only marks of my "encounter" were a few cuts on my face, and one on my hand. Other than that, I was completely fine.
So my aunt called up and asked if I wanted to go get a piercing with her (which was...weird). I asked my mom, "can I get another hole in my ears?"
and she said, "no." Then I asked her again and she said, "yes."
So I asked her, "Can I get my bellybutton pierced?"
and she said, "No" and I asker her again and she said, "If you can wrestle your dad to the ground, then you can"
So I went to the mall, and there was this kiosk where a girl was giving people piercings, and I asked her to pierce my ears again. After that was done, I walked around the mall awhile. I saw my dad there, so I went and wrestled him to the ground, then I went back to the kiosk and told the girl to pierce my bellybutton.
After that was done, she told me I got a free facepainting since I got 3 piercings. I was about to tell her to make my face look like a cat, but this guy walked past and told her to paint in on my back. So she painted a trailer park on my back.
By this time, the girl and I had become pretty good friends, so I invited her to church.

And then I woke up :)
It was one of those really vivid dreams- especially the first part. I love those kinds of dreams.


Anonymous said...


i've had some weird dreams in my day. that's pretty wild.

Miss E. said...
