Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Today everyone left me at home for hours and hours. So this morning I decided that I would climb a tree and then ride my bike to the library. And take pictures.
This is all against the rules at my house, by the way. My mom thinks that I'm going to get
abducted by rapists and pimps and get sold out as a prostitute. But I wasn't too worried about that. I was more worried about her calling and finding out I wasn't at home... but she didn't :) Dont worry.
Anyway, I didn't realize that it takes so long to get to the library from my house. And that it
was pretty much uphill the whole way. And that I would be wanting some water. And that the library opens at 10, and I would get there 20 minutes early, and I would be dying of thirst in the meantime. But it was a lot of fun anyway :P And I actually saw my friend Zach on the way, so that was cool.
I wanted to check out a book that was actually good for
once, cause the stuff I've been reading lately has been pretty bad, I must say. I hope I succeeded. If you have any amazing books that you've read lately, you should let me know about them :P
Anyway, my bike ride was really refreshing. It's fun to do something physical once in a while, isn't it?

Another thing- im thinking about getting dreadlocks. There is about a 50% chance this will happen. The upside is that it will look cool and I won't have to do much to style my hair after its all dreaded. The downsides are a) to get my hair back to normal i have to cut it all off or wait a super long time till its all grown out, and b) as my friend Molly puts it, "who knows what could be living in your hair!" lol. But I think that with proper care it can look pretty cool...
just a thought :)


Anonymous said...


hehe. that's way cool. um, try anything by Donald Miller and Ted Dekker.

and I'm glad you didn't get kidnapped :)

Marissa said...

ooh you would look sick with dreads!!! yea i agree with rachel. Ted Dekkar is awesome. who else is good... haha Shakespeare!!!!

Cait said...

Dreads are wicked awesome, but make sure people wouldn't think you're rastafarian if you get them!

Cait said...

Not a fan, but yes I have heard of Flatfoot56! The idea is cool.