Saturday, November 24, 2007

craft day

So today was craft day, which is something my mom runs annually for our family, and all my cousins come over and make crafts for Christmas.
It was tres' cute'! (sup' cake?) I love craft day. I wish craft day could be my ringtone! ( have I been watching Teen Girl Squad? uhhh....kay)

Anyways, so craft day is a lot of fun. We made these little jars with candy in them, and reindeer candy canes, and paper reindeer made from paper cut-outs of outlines of our feet and hands, and little ornaments made out of clay.

Yeah, richard and I had a lot of fun. Haha we're such dorks aren't we? We took this picture after we both won at this game called Dutch Blitz, which, by the way, is very fun. But Richard kept winning, so we stopped playing after a while.

The cool thing about craft day is that you get to hang out for a whole day with cousins you pretty much never see.

And if you're tired of making crafts, you can play a game or just hang out and talk. Richard crammed himself into this little space we have by our fireplace. We normally put a trash can in there, but when I turned around there he was! And then I couldn't find the camera (because you can't NOT take a picture of something like that!) and he had to stay in there a while. :P

My blog is being really stupid right now, and that's why the text looks like this. So please excuse that... :P

Anyways, then we went outside and played ping-pong. It was great fun! It was REALLY really cold though.

It was pretty hardcore.

So then after we were tired of me beating everyone at ping-pong (just kidding. hehehe) we played hide and go seek. It was great except for the fact that I can't really run with my ankle sprained. :P

Also we just played around in the backyard and freezing cold.

It was seriously a pretty freakin' amazing day. I wish there could be more like it, because I really don't get to see my cousins (especially Richard and Melissa) very much.
So today was a rare day of fun and games, and seeing the people I love have fun and play games. :P

I honestly wish there could be more days like this one.


Anonymous said...

I wish snow could be my ringtone...
except I totally don't have a phone...



Robert said...

lol that's from Homestarrunner...
"I love shopping. I wish shopping could be my ringtone."