Friday, November 30, 2007

me trying to find something interesting to say

Today was government class.
Not fun.
Have you ever taken a government class? They are so boring its not even funny.

Anyways, after that we all (the forts, brennan, katrina, melodie, silas, jeremy, and me) went to Dion's! And it was so Christmasy! They have new cups and boxes and you know the dude holding a pizza? Well he's wearing a Santa hat! (I was the only one that got a kick out of this- haha)
So we all talked about nothing for a long time. It was an amazing cure for gov. And then I found out that Brennan had Eisley on his iPod! Score for Brennan.
So... then Katrina, Silas, and Melodie left, and i was like, "Uhh... anybody have any cards?"
Cause usually we play Mafia or something. But nobody did so... we talked about nothing some more.
Then the Forts left... then Jeremy left.
And it was Brennan and me, sitting at a table for 10 people, staring at each other and being like, "uhhhh......kay"
So we talked about nothing (again) and then our moms picked us up (we lame-o's cant drive). And Mrs. Rose told me embarrassing stories about Brennan, which is always fun.

Then mom and I went to Chow's and got MORE food! :D
And we came home at watched movies.
And ate more food.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

good morning

I'm sick and it hurts.
My arms hurt.
My stomach hurts.
My throat hurts.

I woke up today at about eight and couldnt go back to sleep, so I got up and took a shower. I was home the whole time my family was getting ready to leave, but they didn't even talk to me to ask me how I was feeling or to say good morning. Clinton was the only one who said something to me.
He said, "I need my toothbrush."

So then I went downstairs to have some juice for breakfast, and I watched Clifford on PBS.

so thats the end of this pathetic post...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I just got back from my piano lesson.
I rode my bike there in the blistering wind and cold. Clinton usually rides over there with me and then I ride back by myself.

Well I guess today my piano teacher (Mrs. Bork) and I lost track of time, but we were still going on with the lesson and talking about nothing like we always do, when mom called. I didn't answer it; i just turned my phone off and apologized to my teacher. Then about 10 minutes later, she called Mrs. Bork's home phone and was like, "AAAAHHH!!! AMMAAAANNDAA!! WHEREEE?????" (well, practically)
So I had to apologize to my teacher again and make excuses like, "My mom is extremely paranoid" and "oh, she does this all the time". Excuses which, unfortunately, happen to be true.

When I got home, mom made a new rule: Call home by 4:20

Saturday, November 24, 2007

craft day

So today was craft day, which is something my mom runs annually for our family, and all my cousins come over and make crafts for Christmas.
It was tres' cute'! (sup' cake?) I love craft day. I wish craft day could be my ringtone! ( have I been watching Teen Girl Squad? uhhh....kay)

Anyways, so craft day is a lot of fun. We made these little jars with candy in them, and reindeer candy canes, and paper reindeer made from paper cut-outs of outlines of our feet and hands, and little ornaments made out of clay.

Yeah, richard and I had a lot of fun. Haha we're such dorks aren't we? We took this picture after we both won at this game called Dutch Blitz, which, by the way, is very fun. But Richard kept winning, so we stopped playing after a while.

The cool thing about craft day is that you get to hang out for a whole day with cousins you pretty much never see.

And if you're tired of making crafts, you can play a game or just hang out and talk. Richard crammed himself into this little space we have by our fireplace. We normally put a trash can in there, but when I turned around there he was! And then I couldn't find the camera (because you can't NOT take a picture of something like that!) and he had to stay in there a while. :P

My blog is being really stupid right now, and that's why the text looks like this. So please excuse that... :P

Anyways, then we went outside and played ping-pong. It was great fun! It was REALLY really cold though.

It was pretty hardcore.

So then after we were tired of me beating everyone at ping-pong (just kidding. hehehe) we played hide and go seek. It was great except for the fact that I can't really run with my ankle sprained. :P

Also we just played around in the backyard and freezing cold.

It was seriously a pretty freakin' amazing day. I wish there could be more like it, because I really don't get to see my cousins (especially Richard and Melissa) very much.
So today was a rare day of fun and games, and seeing the people I love have fun and play games. :P

I honestly wish there could be more days like this one.

Friday, November 23, 2007

merry christmas anyway

So Clinton and I had the "bright" idea of getting some Christmas shopping done today, since everyone would be having such "great deals".
We woke up at 3:30am to get our shop on, but it totally wasn't worth it! I only bought one thing: a cd for my dad.
We went to JC Penney's, Target, and Gamestop. Everywhere was pretty crowded. The people weren't very mean though. I didn't see any violent mobs or anything either. (clinton was a little disappointed about that)
If you stayed home, I congratulate you.

The best part of the whole experience was the adventure. And it was snowing! :D
Though now my ankle is so swollen that I can barely walk.

The moral of the story is:
Never go shopping until the day after Thanksgiving.
Unless you have a plan or are going to get a great deal.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Yesterday I had a minor accident.
I was walking down the stairs with a huge load of laundry in my arms, and I missed a step, which sent me tumbling down. Luckily, I didn't get very bruised because the laundry I was carrying cushioned my fall.
However, my ankle bent under me and it got sprained.
After writhing in agony for a few minutes, I hobbled to the couch and did some very last-minute homework before HEROES started.

So yeah, I'm ok, but... it's kind of difficult to walk painlessly. :P

Sunday, November 18, 2007


That's how old my cousin Yvette is now.
this is Yvette
As you know, I was a part of her Quinceanera. I really wasn't sure what to expect.
Actaully, it was surprisingly very much like a wedding. She wore a big poufy white dress, and her partner (ex-boyfriend. lets not get into it) wore a white tux. 4 other girls and I wore these slinky wine-colored dresses, and all the other guys wore these really nice tuxes. The vests on the tuxes were gray and wine-colored paisley that went with our dresses, which I liked very much.
So we got to this one park right on time ( 2:15pm) to take the pictures, just like the directions said. Richard (my partner/cousin) showed up shortly after we did, and Melissa (one of my favorite cousins. we basically grew up together) showed up a little after he did, so we got to hang out for a while.
A long while. Everyone else was very late.
Dad and my aunt and uncles that were there took our pictures while we waited for everyone.

I love this picture of Melissa, me, and Richard.
Finally, eventually, everyone showed up and we took some "professional" pictures under the trees, and then we left for Los Lunas. I drove over with Melissa and Richard, so that was cool since I hardly ever get to talk to them anymore. We went to Melissa's house first to relax, b/c everyone else stayed at the park and talked, and so they got to the hall LATE, and we didn't feel like setting up the hall by ourselves.
After about 20-30 minutes (they were really late again), we went to the hall and practiced the dance a few times. After much arguing, we decided how it should be done.
And that's when people began to arrive.
There really weren't that many people there, to tell the truth. But there were enough people there.
We ate first thing. I had the most amazing enchiladas. Yvette wore a shirt over her beautiful
white dress so that she wouldn't drip red chile on it. Everyone standing in the Quince got to eat next to thier partner at a long table, just like at a wedding reception.
Richard drank a LOT of soda. haha

At 7:00 we did our dance, the one we've been practicing for weeks and weeks. I think it turned out ok. Everyone was so nervous, but not Richard and me. We were the first couple to be announced, and we just walked out- the best couple there. Just kidding. :P
We did have the most fun though. I love to dance, and Richard loves to spin me. All the other couples told us we looked like we were
having the most fun out of everyone there. And we were.
After our little dance thing, the DJ came and cranked out some tunes. I danced a little with Richard, but he didn't know much. So I took him outside and taught him a little swing dance. He is such a fast learner! It only took like 20-30 minutes.
At about 8:00pm, I took my shoes off. My dress dragged on the ground, but I didn't care.
We played musical chairs, and Richard won and got $20 from the DJ. We did the Electric Slide (my personal favorite), and the Cha-Cha Slide.
It took a while to get Richard to actually swing dance in front of everyone, but after dancing once he kept asking me again and again.

At about 9:00, we had cake and toasted Yvette. We had sparkling grape juice in wine glasses, and Richard and I pretended we were famous wine tasters. haha
Yvette also had a dollar dance and a 'doll toss' (like a bouquet toss). Like I said, it was just like a wedding. Only no one got married. haha.
I was so thankful that Richard was my partner. He always knows how to make light of a situation, and he makes me laugh all the time, though he can be serious at the right moments.
He is willing to learn, and he doesn't care about his appearance or how he seems to other people as much as other kids do. He knows just how to cheer me up- last night he came up to me and asked me to dance because "he saw that I was sitting by myself". Yeah, I really love Richard.
I loved the whole night. It was a wonderful distraction- the best way to help me forget everything thats been happening to me lately.

Friday, November 16, 2007

4 more weeks

Seems like just when I'm about to get over this sadness, something happens to make it wash over me again.
Seems like its been forever since this all started, but when I look back, monday was only 3 days ago.

People have been asking whats wrong with me, and I tell them I'm ok. But I don't know... I think I'm almost to ok. I just need a little more time to work on it.
There are lots of little things that have brought me into this state. My mom has been really mad at me for no reason lately, and she threatens me all the time. My little dog Zia is sick. People don't come to my youth group when I invite them. I screw up all the time.
But I dont know. It seems that in the end, the only thing that makes me sad is that in only 4 short weeks, someone I've come to really care about is going to be taken away from me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

what now, God?

There is a big possibility I won't be going to West CNM campus next semester.

I've been depressed.

Friday, November 9, 2007

dad's birthday

Yesterday was my dad's birthday. I think he had a good time.
We took him to eat at Weck's in the morning, and in the evening we went to Texas Roadhouse. I told them it was Dad's birthday, and while we were eating they brought out a saddle and he had to sit on it and yell "ye-haw!". HAHA it was soo funny. And then everybody yelled "ye-haw!" just cause it was his birthday.
It was this other guy's birthday too, and his wife brought him all these presents, so we spied on him to see what he got. It was a whole barrel of fun (as the people at TRH would say). It was strange- he got all this stuff that said Wyoming on it.
Then we went to Target and I read Runny Babbit. That book is sooo amazing its not even funny.
You should read it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fall = Subway?

So I was riding home from piano (because I ride my bike there), and suddenly I was like, "Whoa-dang, it's fall!"
And indeed, it is.
Which is pretty cool. I think that fall is my favorite season, which is a first.
Because it never was before.

So anyway, I was riding along on my bike, breathing in the fresh fall air.
My first thought was, "mmmmm! it smells like fall."
and my second thought was,"mmmmm! it smells like Subway."
So that made me stop and think.
Because- does fall really smell like Subway?
Maybe November just smells like Subway.

Perhaps, if you could bag November, it would become a turkey sandwich with american cheese.

Just a thought

Sunday, November 4, 2007



New Mexico Tech Day.
That was yesterday. It was pretty cool too.

I thought there would be a LOT of nerds walking around. Turns out there were, but a lot of them didn't look as nerdy as i thought they would. :P

I arrived at Tech thinking that there was no way on earth I would ever go there. But after attending some lectures and seeing the campus and eating the food, I don't think it would be so bad after all. I actually think that I may want to study to be an engineer.
Not just any engineer though. For as I discovered yesterday, there are many, many different types of engineer.
The class that interested me was Chemical Engineering. These people work with a wide range of products. Everything from toothpaste to ranch dressing is made by chemical engineers.

So the job probably wouldn't be boring.

I dont know.
Its an option.