Saturday, September 15, 2007

i have sunburn

So yesterday I was at Grace church from 1:00- 7:30. That's like 7 hours people. We were accepting and sorting and pricing stuff for our AWANA garage sale. More like a garbage sale. Why is it that when you ask people to donate stuff for fund-raising, they donate the stuff that they want to get rid of that should really end up in the dump? We threw a lot of stuff away. And everything still took up 3 rooms.
On the other hand, there was some pretty cool stuff. There was a Xylophone, and these little wind-up toys from McDonald's, and this lamp which was really a candle, and this stuffed dog I named Boopers. And I got some amazing retro plates that survived the '60's.
But we had to get up at 5:00am so that we could get to the church at 6:00 and set things up so that when people came at 6:30, they would have stuff to buy. So I'm pretty tired right now, but at least I'm CLEAN. I took a shower, thank you.
I was really surprised because the Lennoxs' came to check things out. Daniel bought a bike. I was too short to ride the bike. I know - I tried. But I was glad they came and bought something. I was like, Please, cart it all away. I'm giving it to you for free. But even then they didn't take it.
At 1:00pm, we ended up giving practically all the clothes away to Mexico Missions, and the rest is going someplace else, I can't remember where. But by then we had been at the chruch for 8 hours, so we didn't really care.