Thursday, September 27, 2007


I have been sooo busy lately. I missed a few questions on the last quiz and had to re-take it 3 times (cause i missed 1 question the second time), and today I have a test, which I know I will not get an 'A' on, because I didn't know what the heck I was looking at while I was studying last night. But I'm actually enjoying myself in class now. We've gotten to the point where everybody knows everyone else's names, and everyone is friendly and will talk and joke and laugh. So except for when it comes to tests, the class is pretty relaxed.
There's not much else to say. Sometimes school can be really boring in conversation.
I think I'm going to get Eisley's new cd, Combinations. I really like their song Come Clean.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

im so stupid

I did the stupidest thing yesterday in math. I had just zipped up my backpack, but then I realized that I hadn't written down my homework. So I opened my backpack, took out my notebook, put it on the table in front of me, and wrote down my homework. Then I closed my notebook, zipped up my backpack, and left class.
I didn't realize that I had left my notebook in class until about 7:30 last night.
My dad had to drive me to CNM so that I could get it.
I don't even remember seeing it there- thats the stupid thing: it was right in front of my face, and I just got up and left it.

Yesterday I talked to Zach again, and guess what? Apparently he used to go to Sagebrush when it was Hoffmantown West and we met at LBJ. Now he goes to some other church, though.
I'm so glad that God put me in the same class with Zach, because pretty much everyone else in the class are obviously not Christians, and it really helps with accountability when he's there. It's just nice having another Christian to talk to.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

i have sunburn

So yesterday I was at Grace church from 1:00- 7:30. That's like 7 hours people. We were accepting and sorting and pricing stuff for our AWANA garage sale. More like a garbage sale. Why is it that when you ask people to donate stuff for fund-raising, they donate the stuff that they want to get rid of that should really end up in the dump? We threw a lot of stuff away. And everything still took up 3 rooms.
On the other hand, there was some pretty cool stuff. There was a Xylophone, and these little wind-up toys from McDonald's, and this lamp which was really a candle, and this stuffed dog I named Boopers. And I got some amazing retro plates that survived the '60's.
But we had to get up at 5:00am so that we could get to the church at 6:00 and set things up so that when people came at 6:30, they would have stuff to buy. So I'm pretty tired right now, but at least I'm CLEAN. I took a shower, thank you.
I was really surprised because the Lennoxs' came to check things out. Daniel bought a bike. I was too short to ride the bike. I know - I tried. But I was glad they came and bought something. I was like, Please, cart it all away. I'm giving it to you for free. But even then they didn't take it.
At 1:00pm, we ended up giving practically all the clothes away to Mexico Missions, and the rest is going someplace else, I can't remember where. But by then we had been at the chruch for 8 hours, so we didn't really care.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

after all...

So I had another small-world experience today. I was riding down our street on my bike this morning and saw this girl who I thought looked really familiar. I thought she might have been in my class, so I remembered what she was wearing and how she had her hair (black tank top, jeans, ponytail) and if the girl in my class was wearing the same thing I'd know that it was her. And when I got to class, there she was just as I'd remembered. I can't believe it. What are the odds?

It's fun to talk to the people in my class, some of them anyway. Sometimes I don't even talk to them, I just sit and observe. We have some real characters. I even gave them nicknames. There's this girl I call i-phone, and one time she called a quadratic equation a "hardcore equation"
There's a kid I call Skins, and he just registered last week. So he's missed about 2 weeks of class! We're having our first major test tomorrow. "I'm so scared!" he told me.
"So'm I!" I said, and Little Anita agreed.
Although he has more to worry about. He is doing quite well fending for himself, I must say.
I think I am going to fail.
But God will still let me into heaven, so I don't feel too bad.
Which reminds me, I actually heard someone call himself God today.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

at least volleyball is fun. sometimes.

I miss summer.
I hate doing homework. Today I did like 2 and 1/2 hours of homework and it was very stressful. I honestly do not know how people do it. Because I know several people that have WAY more homework than I do.

I thought that having volleyball today after doing my homework would help me unwind a little, but I was wrong. The first game we played we lost like 5-21. Plus I accidentally hit a kid on the other team with the ball. But at least I didn't I didn't hit him in the soft spot like Coolaid did. It was pretty funny, even he had to admit. Yeah, I know I'm mean. Don't worry, he wasn't hurt too bad. I also accidentally hit Colleen twice with the ball, one time in the face which made her cry. I felt pretty bad about that one.

I'm a terrible volleyball player, and I'm so clumsy, and I'm bad at math.

Maybe tomorrow will be good to me.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

happy birthday, zia

For all of you that have been shut into some forgotten cellar, Zia is my dog.
Zia is 7 years old today. She's a doggie dinosaur.
The spoiled little princess usually gets a pancake on her birthday, but she didn't get one today. We did, however, buy her a little stuffed bunny that squeaks and a little rubber cat that squeaks. These toys substitute for all the bunnies that are usually out on our lawn, and the kitten that sits on the fence and stares as Zia frantically jumps to get it.
Zia finds that for best results, you should stomp and gnaw the toy to death- even though its not alive in the first place.
100% satisfaction.


Last night at First Wednesday (every first wednesday of the month we have church at Sagebrush), Jared and Matt (our leaders) were talking about what it means to be a Christian. We're going through the book of Daniel, and I read that Daniel was a guy who was a steadfast Christian who didn't want anything to turn him from God. He was captive in an ungodly country, but he didn't turn away- he refused their pagan customs to stay with God.
It makes me wonder what we would do in such a situation.
Would you turn away?
Would you deny worldly pleasures to say with God?

At group last week our leader, Danielle, asked us what would make us turn away from God. But I think that if you're truly a Christian, nothing should turn you away.
Christ remained faithful to God to the point of death, even death on the cross. I've heard stories of people in other countries who got rolled over by a steamroller for their faith.
I want a faith like that.

I've resolved that, as a Christian, I'm going to try to talk about Christ to someone at every opportunity.

Romans 1:16-17

Monday, September 3, 2007

Lives Ablaze!!

This weekend, instead of going with the flow to Freedom Fest, I decided to be different and go to Lives Ablaze. Plus a lot of my friends were going. And Skillet was there.
I'm glad I went to Lives Ablaze. It takes place in Glorieta, and its really nice to get away after a week of school, even for only a weekend.
Glorieta is actually a really nice place to stay. Last year when I went to Lives Ablaze, we stayed at a hotel about 30 minutes away. Which actually isn't very convenient at all if you think about it. You get no free time, and you can't wander around the grounds very much (so pretty!), and you have to eat greasy food at the Chuck Wagon.
Staying at Glorieta is kind of like staying in a hotel. With bunk beds. Its pretty amazing, actually.
I'm pretty happy with Lives Ablaze this year because we had a really good worship team, and Bob Smiley (a REALLY hilarious comedian), a pretty good pastor, and a great concert. You should check out Bob Smiley.
KJ-52 was kind of lame... I'd rather have a cd.
Skillet was amazing!! Although everyone was very squished and it was like if you jumped up you wouldn't even get back to the ground again because people would have squeezed into your space that fast. At first, I was standing right behind this really... big guy with a green polo on. People kept pushing to get into the front so they could get a better view, and I actually found myself squished like peanut butter next to this... big guy- and he was soaked with sweat. He also smelled like sweat. It was pretty disgusting. But then he decided he'd blocked everyone's view long enough and moved on.
You know you're at a hardcore concert when you get hair in your eyes from the person in front of you cause he's headbanging so hard.

The great thing about Lives Ablaze is that 'most everybody is friendly. I met these really great people from Portales.
Also there was a foreign exchange student there from France. His name is Gillam, and we had some good times in line waiting for lunch. We (clinton, laura, colleen and I) bought chalk, and Joey and Gillam joined us in writing on everything with it.
It was funny because talk turned to rednecks (for some reason) and Gillam had no idea what they were, so we tried to tell him what they are. A cafeteria lady actually mistook Joey for Gillam as exchange student because Joey was speaking broken French.

So Lives Ablaze was pretty much good times through and through.