Saturday, April 24, 2010

im crossing my fingers and toes

I know its probably weird that im excited about having bought some of these tampons today:
but have you seen the ads for them? theyre so funny. people are afraid to talk about periods and blood diapers, but really when every girl has a period its not a big deal. its only a big deal if you let it be, and i never have.

Also i like that the packaging is black with bold pink, blue, and orange, instead of the generic baby blue or pink, or soft green. Just because having a period is supposed to be soft and girly doesnt mean we have to use lame products.
the first commercial i saw for these babies, i was like heeeeck yes.

i know im weird, but i dont care.

I want to have gi-had wars again sometime soon. We used to do that last year, where we'd get stockings and put flour in the feet and tie the ends off, and then play some weird capture the flag type game and hit each other with them super hard. everyone got all floury and occaisonally the stockings would burst open and spurt flour everywhere.
and then we would all go down to walgreens and get arizona tea. it was good times.

im getting a tan now because my teacher has been having class outside since the weather's been so nice. but since my flip flop tan is coming back, im wondering if the bird tattoos on my feet are such a good idea... instead i kinda want to get buttons being sewn on my back. I could pick all my favorite buttons, have someone draw em up in a random order, and have a needle and thread coming from one! i love the idea, and its so original. there were zero results for button tattoos on google images. good ones anyway.
also i want to get my tragus peirced. so many body modifications, so little money!

today i applied at target. i think my application looked pretty good. the only open position was floor-watcher-person. i dont remember the real name. basically you stand by the registers and help customers, ring people up, and get stuff from the back for employees and customers. im crossing my fingers and toes that i get it.
lately ive been feeling that im inadequate and pathetic, with no direction and no future. i am a real loser.
but jesus is for losers right?
im alright.

check it out, if you like.


i had a rusty spade,but im not the fighting sort.
if i were samson, i'd have found that harlots' blade
and cut my own hair short!

in a market dimly lit,
i come casually to pay.
you see, my coins are counterfeit,
but you accept them anyway.