Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Ive decided I really like where I am in life, right now.

*I am out of high school, and can start working more toward things that actually matter to me, school-wise.
I finally know what I want out of life, and finally know what I want to do with my life. I know who I want to be, and I know how I want to look- and im pursuing those things.
I am finally comfortable enough with myself to freely make friends and do what I want. I get embarrassed less easily; things come easier now. I don't care as much about little things, and it's refreshing.
I have fewer friends, but they are all very close. Fewer friends means less drama, and less people to deal with my drama. People I trust.
Things with my parents are better- we know how to talk to each other now. I see more of their requests as optional, and they are coming to respect that (i think).
I have the best boyfriend ever, and I finally understand why God made me wait all those years to find him.
It's totally worth it.


Take a leaf of paper and draw your mind,
Your bourbon brown that can burn my eyes,
I lost your presence underneath the bridge

Lock the door, let's talk it out,
Against the wall, hands on my mouth,
Could this be it, is it really over now?

if you say no, then no it will be.
just stick it at our skin pierced with colly strings