Monday, February 1, 2010

i confide in wolves at night

busy, busy day.

one of those in which you wake up early and can't go back to sleep because you just need to move.
I got up at 7 and cleaned until it was time to leave for the bus.
sometimes i kind of like riding the bus. i feel a little like Harriet the Spy every time (if youve ever read those books as a kid)(or an adult) because i always see a lot of the same people, and i take little mental notes of their habits and character. its amusing to see what people bring to read on the bus, or hear the conversations they have or the music they listen to.
no, im not creepy. i just remember things about people. on the bus, i am the quiet observant one.

Today my art history class was cancelled so I ate lunch with Josh at Frontier. I probably would have gone there even if I wasn't meeting him, or even if i wasnt eating. Its so warm and comfortable and relaxed. I feel like i can get things done there, as long as i sit and focus and don't lean back to daydream and watch other people's lunchtime life.
Also Evie called me and told me she met Shane Claibourne at the Jacksonville airport. It made me happy, just because he's a really great person and has done so many exciting things for God, and helped me get to know Him better. I want to meet Shane someday... which i suppose is inevitable because of heaven.
sometimes, being a christian makes me feel like sunlight inside.

I was going to write about how my lab got ruined and I didn't get the credit, and how it seemed like I screwed up about a million times at work, but now i don't feel like it. It seems unimportant, because right now i am happy and I don't want to ruin that by dwelling in the past. I like being happy.
Its such a weird statement to make. and so obvious. but lately josh has been asking why im so sad, and at work they are always telling me to smile. you know, i never even realized that i was unhappy. I just started noticing how at work, zach looks at me and tells me to smile, and gives me random hugs, and josh is afraid to say the "wrong things" because he doesn't want to upset me. I dont want to be like this. it isnt me.

right now, i am absorbed in my happiness. my good mood.
i never ever want this to end.

good night.
i love you.


I could have sworn that I saw you knee bent on the bedside
Arms stretched like a kite that time will eventually grow.
I'm so sure of it
I've got a reason, too long for songs
That tells why your legs and arms are actually able.


Kendra Logan said...

What a great post!
