Thursday, February 4, 2010

i was a kaleidoscope


life is insane. lately the things that have been happening to me are crazy.
yesterday the bus broke down in the snow, so i called josh to come pick me up.
then, i woke up this morning to police pounding on the door. it was like a nightmare, but i was still awake. incredibly scary, especially after reading Desperation by Stephen King.
so, once i realized that i was in fact awake and it was really happening, i went downstairs and woke up kristin, because she has a baseball bat and will use it on anyone trying to murder us. but the policeman turned out to be a pretty nice guy. apparently, someone thought my truck was stolen because since josh had driven me home yesterday, i forgot to go get my truck at the bus stop, and it was parked in front of someones house all night. So he was just asking questions about it and making sure it wasn't stolen.
then i went back to sleep for an hour.
and when i woke up, guess what i realized? I had a test this morning, and i had enough time to get to school if i drove to the bus stop- but wait, the truck was at the bus stop. so i hurried outside into the snow and ice and grabbed my bike, and rode my bike at breakneck speed down the icy hill toward the bus stop. it was scary.
then by the time i shoved my bike into the truck and moved the truck and walked (quickly) to the bus stop and rode the bus to school and walked to my class, i was 5 mintues late. but luckily they let me take it anyway, and i got an 85, which is not bad for 1 hour of studying, eh? ;)
also i found some dollars in my pocket and decided to get starbucks since i got out of class a little early and it was cold and i was stressed. and on the way over to the starbucks i found out that the free stuff guys were giving out candy.
they let me take as many blow pops as i wanted.
and anthropology class was actually interesting and not boring, and the bus pulled up right when i got there, and josh picked me up when i got home and we went to barnes and noble and read for a long long time.
and then we went to lukes house and i made the cutest pocket pal ever.

also ive been dating this guy for 10 months today.

so, things are really really great. even with this morning, and this crazy, insane week...

my life is amazing.


I was a kaleidoscope,
the snow on my lenses distorting the image
of what was only one of you
and i didn't know which one
to address
as all your lips moved,
and this is when I forget to breathe,
and all the things I scripted,
they sound unfounded.
and it's the look that you're giving me
that tells me exactly what you are thinking:
"This ain't working anymore."