Sunday, February 7, 2010

in my teeth


that was an amazing 6 months.
yeah, my parents are back. this time, for good.
(except they are leaving on wed. for a week to visit my grandpa. but after that, for good.)

yes, i am a little sad. but what did you expect? im used to doing what i want now, what i think is best for myself, with no one questioning it or arguing with me. now when i want to do something, i have to go through them. my parents.

so... it feels weird. do you consider 6 months a long time or a short time? i consider it both. it went by so fast; the time seemed very short. but so much happened that i feel like it was a long time, and so much is happened and ive changed a lot. (or maybe i was like this all along. i dont remember, somehow). in any case, if they had to come back at some point it was worth it.
of course there are things i won't tell them, because they would freak out.

like how i popped the screen out of clintons window and hung out on the roof a lot when it was warmer (and threw confetti on josh and danielle when they walked up to the door). or how i dyed my hair a lot in their bathroom (prohibited) and accidentally dyed some of their floor tiles pink and scraped it off with pumice stone, or how the truck was hit at danielles house and not smiths because i parked at the curb overnight when they told me not to (oops), or how the house was super messy every time they were gone, and how i stayed out past midnight lots of times, and how i skipped school when i didnt feel like going (dont worry, my grades didn't suffer). how the morses and the mckinneys became more like family to me.
how i cried when i realized they were coming home so soon.

but whatever. its not like i didnt miss them at all. i did, sometimes. and i dont know if it will last, but having them back is so far not bad.
also, im getting a car soon, so thats cool. actually, im really looking forward to that.

do you realize its almost valmumtimes day? don't be so down if you don't have a valentine, because youre just making it hard on yourself. to me, valentines day means pink and red and white and hearts and an excuse to eat candy. i love it. i always have.

what does valentines day mean to you?

ive been having a lot of nightmares lately. if i tell you what about, will that make them go away?
...nope, im too scared.

i think that my favorite band right now it The Manchester Orchestra. But Andy Hull's acoustic stuff is the best.

you should check this out --> . pocket pals are selling at! but right now they are really sad because they dont have homes. sniff sniff cry cry.

lately im kind of in love with the color pink. which is strange, since i always used to hate it.
and im excited, because eisleys new cd should be coming out soon.

like dying young, idols got the best of me.
Well don't stop calling, you're the reason I love losing sleep
And the building collapse, we'll shop one for something

I'll stick it at our skin, pierced for something
ill stick it at our skin pierced by colly strings.


Miss E. said...

levi the poet

aurora said...

actually, manchester orchestra.

Miss E. said...

ah, so levi quoted manchester. gotcha, it all makes sense now.

aurora said...

he does a lot, i think its one of his favorites. im thinking andy hull is my favorite artist right now.