Monday, May 5, 2008

plans for the summer

Well I am done with CNM. I ended up getting an A in Chemistry, an A in Chem lab, and a B in Trig. I scored considerably better than I assumed I would score at the beginning of the semester.
I am now unofficially a senior. Kinda strange.

Well I've still gotta do some school this summer, like English, History, and Spanish. It will be a breeze compared with what I went through this past semester, though.
First I'll probably study for the SAT and ACT, respectively, since I have to take those this summer. I'm not too worried, since apparently I can take each of them twice.

And I still haven't gotten my banana split for getting a B in Trig, so that's definitely something to look forward to. :)

Also I've gotta get my 4-H stuff done. In 4-H, you have to sign up for a specific project at the beginning of the year, and then you're supposed to work on that project all year long until the County fair, which is in July or August. Well, usually we start working on our projects around July/August. :P So I think I will start working on things early this year, since we joined a new club and im trying to make an impression on the kids there, since I'm supposed to be an "example". And I kinda like the kids in this club, which makes being an example just a little bit easier.
The project I signed up for is Embroidery: Self Determined, which just means that I can pick any sort of embroidery project I want, or make something up myself, and do that all year. So now I'm frantically starting to stitch all this random junk together to form something that I will probably never use again, just because I have to give a speech at 4-H next week. I wish I had signed up for Sewing: Self Determined, because then I could make all the little dolls I want and have the excuse for wasting time making them that, "They're for 4-H, and I need to get this project done before August/July! and plus, it will look good on my college resume." :)

I do like making cute little things. For my birthday, I got this Aranzi Aronzo book on how to make cute dolls, and I've been waiting till school got out to actually make them. Well, today I went and got some fabric, and I'm really excited! I'm gonna make White Rabbit first, though I am looking forward to trying all of the Aranzi Aronzo patterns.

And I am going to decorate my room a little too. I bought some buttons today (I absolutely love buttons) and I'm gonna decorate my lampshade. Also I bought some chinese lanterns, which I will hang up on one bare wall.

Another thing: I want to get a job. So far I think I will apply at the PetsMart PetsHotel, because I would probably love working there, Canine Country Club, which I would probably enjoy if the PetsMart thing falls through, and Keva Juice, because I might actually have a chance at getting a job there.

Thats all for now...