Friday, May 30, 2008

time for bed

Sigh. I have a piano recital on sunday. I don't really like piano recitals, because I don't play as well on other peoples pianos, and everyone's watching you, and in the end my mom is like, "heres a list of what you did wrong..."
If you want to come support me, feel free. It will be more fun with more friends. Its at the Borks house, and if you dont know where that is... I don't either actually. :P I dont know the address... sorry. Im a bad invitation-giver-outer.

So I just came home from Carly and Courtney's party. It was pretty fun- but my arm is in terrible shape because Clinton and I tried out a new lift for swing dancing. Yeah it hurt. Hopefully we can perfect it soon :)

Did I say about the Garage Sale tomorrow? If I didn't, and you happen to read this before tomorrow morning, then you should come. Its at the Taylor Ranch plaza, near the Dollar Store and Josh's school. You know? Its on the corner of Mantano and Taylor Ranch rd. Yeah. You should show up and get some random/cool stuff. :P

Also, theres a 4-H dance tomorrow night. I still don't know if I exactly want to go... I might just wanna hang out with the youth group as normal. 4-H dances just usually consist of two-stepping all night... which can get boring :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

swing dancing

Tuesday night I went to bed feeling happier than I have in a long time. And also I was a little dizzy. :)
It was Swing Dance Night, which I absolutely love! I hadn't gone in a while, but I think that now I will be going every week. Hopefully.
If you want to go, its at the community center right next to CNM Main Campus (I dont know what the name of the community center is, but its literally right next to CNM). It starts at 7:00pm and goes to midnight, and it costs $3. Also, if you don't know how to swing dance, dont worry about it- they have classes, and if you dont want to go to the classes, anyone is willing to teach you.

I learned a whole bunch of new stuff- including a lift. Swing dancing always makes me feel kind of like I'm flying... that definitely sounds stupid, but it does. And when you go really fast, it feels like you could crash any minute.

Monday, May 26, 2008

search the city is a pretty good band, too

I'm blogging from a NEW computer!!
Very exciting.

It looks really sleek- its black and you can rotate its huge screen in any direction.

Yesterday I played volleyball at the church.
Volleyball is probably my favorite sport to play.

Also, apparently House of Heroes has a new lead singer. Too bad- Jared Rigsby was amazing on lead vocals. He made up the character of the band. Now its completely different- not in a bad way, but still.

Tomorrow I have to go to work with clinton so that he can drive me to a birthday party afterwards. ICK! Now I'll actually have to study. :P

Saturday, May 24, 2008


I had two dogs for about 1 day.

Our old neighbor had a Jack Russell named Scooby Doo that would always jump the fence to come into our yard. Zia tolerated it... most of the time. Sometimes they would fight and we would have to spray them with a hose and someone would go away limping and both would go away bloody.

Scooby was like our second dog for a long time. If Zia hadn't been spayed, we would have little purebred puppies.
The neighbor would always get mad at Scooby for coming over, though. I could always hear him yelling at the dogs and cursing at them, and I have reason to believe that he beat them. The man was a drunk.

So its no wonder that Scooby came back. They moved away a year or two ago, but somehow Scoobs has navigated the streets and found his way back to the neighborhood with the house where he had a good home- if only for a few hours, at least. Kinda sad, isn't it?
This dog's life must suck for him to come who knows how many miles to find our particular house, and crawl through our back fence.
When I went outside, he was laying on Zia's bed. I fed him and gave him water and a treat. He sat up and looked at me. "You can't stay here, Scooby" I told him.
he wagged his little stub tail.
Meanwhile Zia was inside, scratching the door and barking her head off :) She never was very good at sharing.

I woke up at about 2am when Scooby was howling his head off at our gate. I opened my window and said, "Scoobs, shush!" and he stopped. poor thing.

and the moral of the story is: Be nice to animals! :P

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

boredom? nah...

I have recently become a closet painter. That is, I paint in my closet.
This is a result of staying at home for 3 days and not going anywhere. Except for the library. And Target.
I've found that I'm not meant to stay at home all day. I like to go places, do things, and see people.
I haven't watched so much tv in a long time :) That's all I've been doing- watching tv, getting on the computer, and studying for the SAT/ACT. (I'm a little worried about the tests- apparently im not so smart)
I havent missed an episode of Martha Stewart, Bonanza, or Friends these past few days. I like Friends the best. That Joey...!

You know, people never really have reasons to be bored. I could always find a million things to do when I thought there was nothing to entertain me. It's just hard to do a lot of the fun ones when my mom is around! :)

I am looking forward to Friday though. Clinton and I are going to see Indiana Jones with some friends, and then we're going to an end-of-school dance. whee!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

i love spring days

Yesterday was slightly chaotic at first, but it ended up being a really great day.

First I helped out in the Grace church nursery, because apparently they were having a festival/fiesta/she-bang. A lot of the kids came in screaming their heads off, and didn't stop until about 1 1/2 hours later.
If I have kids, I don't think I'll ever leave them in the nursery at church. Several kids were completely devistated and bewildered that their parents left them, and they cried off and on through the 2 1/2 hours I was there. It was sad.
I do get paid though. :)
Then Clinton was supposed to pick me up, but when I called his phone it said, "This number is temporarily unavailable." So I was stuck at this church where I knew absolutely no one.
Then I called my mom, and she had a little time to come pick me up before taking Dad to the airport, which was a huge relief! After a while, I spotted the Forts, and they let me sit with them in the time it took mom to get there. It was kind of awkward though, because it was supposed to be a big party (they even had mariachis), but it didn't really seem like people were having a whole lot of fun. Everyone was just sort of sitting there, watching the mariachis, and this guy was wandering around going, "A fiesta! Woo-hoo!"

Second on the agenda was to go to a meeting for the Oregon mission trip. I thought that it would be kinda boring, especially since it lasted 2 hours. I thought we would have to sit still while Danielle droned on about the trip, but not so- instead she surprised me and our group did some "team building".
We all stood up on the cement part of one of those raised flower/rock beds in the courtyard at Sagebrush, and without talking, falling into the rocks, or falling off the side, we had to put ourselves in order of age.
Then Danielle made a little obstical course for us to run under the tent, such as: Crawl under the sign, touch the pole, crawl across this bench, walk along this narrow slab of cement. We all did it pretty easily, but then she gave us "infirmities". I had no legs. :) it was fun.
Afterwards, we all talked about what went well and what went wrong, and applied it to real life and how things will be on the mission trip.

At 6, we went to Josh's graduation party. It was probably the best graduation party I've been to this year. We ate really good food, squirted little confetti's at each other, played spoons and 4 on a couch, and sucked helium. It was great.
When we got home, I shook out my hair and a bunch of confetti fell out of it. :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

a change in summer plans

I hate making big decisions.

I have trouble with the littlest things, such as buying a pair of shoes. You have shoes for a long time, after all.

Anyway, I've decided to go on a mission trip to Oregon. It was a big decision, because I will miss two days of awana camp, and I probably won't land a job, and I need to find someone to drive me all the way up to Las Vegas, NM the monday I get back.
But in the end, I think that God wants me to go. It's a pretty good feeling. I've never been on a mission trip before, and I'm looking forward to making a difference and the feeling of selflessness.

my dad is going on another business trip tomorrow. I'll miss him.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

this pretty much sums it up

I lost 5 pounds.

Clinton had a graduation party.

God is showing me what I can live without and still live.

I love this cloudy, breezy, and yet still warm day we're having.

I still need to go out and buy party hats for our end-of-the-year small group.

Mom says the guy at the grocery store has a crush on me- amusing.

I went to the library and borrowed the cutest book ever. It's called The Clouds Above. I love the drawings so much that I traced some of them. I know, I'm a dork... but I had to :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

plans for the summer

Well I am done with CNM. I ended up getting an A in Chemistry, an A in Chem lab, and a B in Trig. I scored considerably better than I assumed I would score at the beginning of the semester.
I am now unofficially a senior. Kinda strange.

Well I've still gotta do some school this summer, like English, History, and Spanish. It will be a breeze compared with what I went through this past semester, though.
First I'll probably study for the SAT and ACT, respectively, since I have to take those this summer. I'm not too worried, since apparently I can take each of them twice.

And I still haven't gotten my banana split for getting a B in Trig, so that's definitely something to look forward to. :)

Also I've gotta get my 4-H stuff done. In 4-H, you have to sign up for a specific project at the beginning of the year, and then you're supposed to work on that project all year long until the County fair, which is in July or August. Well, usually we start working on our projects around July/August. :P So I think I will start working on things early this year, since we joined a new club and im trying to make an impression on the kids there, since I'm supposed to be an "example". And I kinda like the kids in this club, which makes being an example just a little bit easier.
The project I signed up for is Embroidery: Self Determined, which just means that I can pick any sort of embroidery project I want, or make something up myself, and do that all year. So now I'm frantically starting to stitch all this random junk together to form something that I will probably never use again, just because I have to give a speech at 4-H next week. I wish I had signed up for Sewing: Self Determined, because then I could make all the little dolls I want and have the excuse for wasting time making them that, "They're for 4-H, and I need to get this project done before August/July! and plus, it will look good on my college resume." :)

I do like making cute little things. For my birthday, I got this Aranzi Aronzo book on how to make cute dolls, and I've been waiting till school got out to actually make them. Well, today I went and got some fabric, and I'm really excited! I'm gonna make White Rabbit first, though I am looking forward to trying all of the Aranzi Aronzo patterns.

And I am going to decorate my room a little too. I bought some buttons today (I absolutely love buttons) and I'm gonna decorate my lampshade. Also I bought some chinese lanterns, which I will hang up on one bare wall.

Another thing: I want to get a job. So far I think I will apply at the PetsMart PetsHotel, because I would probably love working there, Canine Country Club, which I would probably enjoy if the PetsMart thing falls through, and Keva Juice, because I might actually have a chance at getting a job there.

Thats all for now...