Tuesday, March 23, 2010

i'll follow the sun

On days like this, I like to turn on my little red glass lamp that I got at IKEA, turn out all the other lights, and look at it. It reminds me of Oregon. While I was there, every day was cloudy like this, and i sat in my room curled in a ball on my bed, turned on this lamp and looked at the red light it gave out and the bird silhouette it cast on the wall.

Josh's mom bought his grandma a puppy. did i tell you this?
shes a pomeranian/chihuahua mix, but its cuter than either breed. her name is Jingle, but everyone calls her puppy because we all knew her before she was named. She likes to bounce straight up in the air and climb over peoples legs when they are sitting on the floor.

I am annoyed at my anthropology professor because he has not posted the grades for the last exam. I took it about two weeks ago!
i just wanna know if i pwned it, already. sheesh.

I hit my elbow on the cash register at work last week. It was quite painful. My arm was sore for three days, and now sometimes i will be sewing or writing or something and my fingers will randomly pop really painfully.

i got some shoes and sewed buttons on them. and now theyre my favorite.

i like regina spektor's music, but her face kinda scares me.

Clintons home on spring break.
i wish unm was still on break, because right now i should really be writing my 2000 word literary analysis of jhumpa lahiri's The Namesake (including 3 or more articles that relate to the subject!). and i dont wanna write it.

so you know that friend that stayed with me while my parents were in oregon? well, her family is going out of town for 11 days in June, and they want me to watch their house for them. I get to stay there and take care of their 4 dogs and 1 chinchilla! im excited about the chinchilla, because they are cute and furry.
plus they have a trampoline and several movies, so theres stuff to do there. And they said they would buy me food, not to mention pay me $500 for staying there! its pretty much too good to be true.
but im hoping it still is :)

another thing to look forward to is April 4th. Know what April 4th is?
if you answered "easter", you would be correct.
if you answered "josh and amanda's 1 year anniversary," you would also be correct.
I am going to make him a stained glass crayon heart card, which im excited about because 1) i love crayons, 2) i love hearts, 3) theyre so much fun to make.
its gunna be awesome.


I ride my bike, I roller skate, don't drive no car 
Don't go too fast, but I go pretty far
 For somebody who don't drive, I been all around the world 
Some people say I've done all right for a girl


Rachel S. said...

I love Regina Spector. and Melanie Safka. <3

aurora said...

me too!