Tuesday, March 9, 2010

God if your love can peirce me with an arrow, through my stubborn heart and marrow

i dont know if this is an off- day or what.
maybe i just didn't get enough sleep last night.
its probably just that im blowing out my mind and stressing about the 3 exams i have this week and work and not having finished my taxes yet.
in fact, i am not absolutely certain of the location of my tax documents. ahem. yeah.

I've been reading lots of my anthropology textbook to prepare for the exam thursday. its actually pretty interesting. A chapter i read today was about the linguistics department of anthropology, and it was talking about people that teach gorillas sign language. So i decided thats what i want to do when i grow up. i will raise a gorilla from infancy and teach it over 700 ASL signs.

My classes each let out about 45 minutes early today, so i got done around 11:30. On my way to the bus, i was walking by the Art building wishing that I was good enough to get in, or that they would just let me mess around with all the supplies inside. I stopped and looked up at the building, not really noticing anything particularly artsy or stunning about it architecturally. so i climbed up the steps to go in, even though its not my department. I just wanted a look, so i peeked in windows at all the pottery wheels and paintings taped up to walls, sculptures on display in window boxes and greenware vases and piggy banks and plates and figurines on trays ready to go into the kiln. I miss ceramics. I think i will pick it up again during the summer, if i have enough money.

Im going to get a new job. Im going to a job fair on the 23rd and maybe someone will be sympathetic of my 10 month employment at subway and hire me out of pity.

also i am going to get a car soon. relatively soon.
hopefully soon?

Josh and i are going to start making video blogs after i get a car. and after we get a camera, of course. I cant wait. its going to be kind of like shaytards.
the shaytards have made a video every day for 365 days and theyre not stopping.

only tonight left, then tomorrow and the next day and the next morning till spring break.


The world is alive now, in and outside our home
You run through the forest, settle before the sun
Darling, I can barely remember you beside me
You should come back home, back on your own now